Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How Can I stick to my exercise program?

I have a great idea to help you stick with your new workout program. Get a calendar, any kind will do and hang it in a prominent place at home or your workplace. It has to be where you and others will see it all the time.

Every day that you workout, mark a huge coloured X right across that day. Don't break the X chain. Do something every day. Of course you know that an intense workout is best , but mark any training that you do. Now don't cheat. It has to be at least 15 solid minutes-so a walk (or run) a FitterFaster Bootcamp or home workout or any other workout that gets you huffing and puffing and sweating.

You can find 15 minutes in your day you know. I went out last night on the veranda, after putting tea in the oven, and did a quick circuit of 100 skips with a rope and 10 burpees. I repeated it till tea was cooked. What about getting out of bed 15-20 minutes earlier?? What about as soon as you get home from work, before you start anything else. How about while the kids do their training after school. What about while you watch TV of an evening. Almost all the workouts on www.fitterfasteronline.com can be done in front of the TV.

Have a go at the calendar X chain. You will be surprised how you will not want to break the chain after you get going. You will just need to nick out and do a quick workout before bed if you missed it today. Working out every day, even briefly will help keep your metabolism boosted all the time. Especially if you go hard. Give it a try and let me know how you go.

And don't forget to come to Bootcamp on New Years Day at 5pm. Come and give it a go and see what everyone is talking about. Start off the New Year on a high note and make this the one where you really do get lean and fit for good. Make this the year of no excuses. My new motto is NO EXCUSES-JUST RESULTS


Sunday, December 28, 2008

How do you reward yourself if you do your workouts or exercise for the day or week? Do you have a treat to eat, or have a can or two (or more?) This rewarding yourself for something that is so essential for your health is really backward thinking.

Fitting exercise into your daily life should really be non-negotiable. It is not a special achievement that deserves a special reward. Do you reward yourself everytime you wash the dishes or clean your teeth? No, these are seen as essential parts of your daily life as exercise should be too.

The reward for exercising regularly is how it makes you feel and also how it makes you look. Raise your expectations of yourself and if you must reward yourself occasionaly, make it in a less damaging way and for a bigger achievement such as a massage for 4 weeks worth of daily workouts. Or a trip to the movies or some new perfume for accomplishing a performance goal in your workouts like being able to do 10 pushups on your toes. What about some new clothes that fit on your fitter, leaner body after you have lost 30cm.

You need to change your mindset about exercise and healthy eating. Over 30% of Australians are obese. This figure includes many of you. Almost 60% are overweight. Are you one of them? The figures are scarily similar for our children too. Look around. Can you see your own hip bones or your kids? Can you just about see their ribs? You should be able to.

Over accumulation of fat is just another symptom of bad health. Many common illnesses and diseases are caused by unhealthy eating, being overweight and by not exercising with intensity often. Some are:

Health Risks to Children:

Type 2 diabetes, Hypertension, Sleep apnea, Asthma, Breathing problems, High blood cholesterol, Psychological disorders, such as depression, due to social stigmatization. Which then leads to the following, as overweight children are unlikely to become non-overweight adults.

Health Risks to Adults:

Type 2 diabetes , Heart disease, Stroke, Hypertension, Gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Sleep apnea, Asthma, Breathing problems, Certain cancers (colon, endometrial, kidney, esophageal, and postmenopausal breast), High blood cholesterol, Complications of pregnancy, Psychological disorders, such as depression, due to social stigmatization, Premature death and many many more.

What are you doing to improve your health? Start right now with your whole family. Teach your husband, wife and/or children to eat fruits and vegetables. Teach them how to cook real food. Stop eating things that come with a label and ingredients list. Start moving-a lot. Get sweaty and out of breath regularly. Go for bike rides and walks. Play footy, or basketball with the kids. Soccer is a great family activity for all ages and abilities.

Stop buying the junk. You are in charge of what you buy and eat. You are in charge of what your kids eat. Don't give in. It doesn't take long to change habits if you stick to your guns. To recap:

Change the lifestyle and eating habits of the whole family.

Make it easy to access good healthy food in small portions. Throw out the bad stuff, and stop buying it.

There is a strong link between television watching and weight problems, so encourage the entire familly to watch less TV and play less computer games

Set aside some more time to be with them persuing activities such as backyard soccer or basketball.

Set a good example yourself. Children will repeat what their parents do, not what they say.

Check my website for some simple healthy recipes. I have added a few new ones, and will add more as I can.

Don't forget to renew or begin your Bootcamp Package now to get the special price of $8 per session. This offer ends on January 1st 2009. Go to website for details.

And congrats to Tania for being my most consistant Bootcamper in 2008. She received a gift voucher for a massage at Ruby V's this morning at Bootcamp. Tania comes to Bootcamp at least 3 times almost every week, sometimes more and puts in 100% effort every time. Well done Tania!!!

Keep up the great work everyone


Monday, December 22, 2008

New Years Resolutions

Hi everyone

What do you want to achieve in 2009. I must say that I think New Years Resolutions are a bit of a crock. I think putting something off till January 1st is a waste of all the time that you have before then. I think when you want to achieve something no matter how big or small, you should get to work on it right now. But seeing as New Years Day is so close, let's have a think about where you are headed.

Do you want to lose body fat? How much? Do you want to fit into a smaller clothes size? What size? Your goals must be measurable, or how will you know when you get there?

Do you want to be able to run 5kms without stopping? Or do 5 chinups in a row? Do you want to be able to get through every Bootcamp workout with resting?

Do you want to be able to see your abdominal muscles, or be able to wear sleeveless tops again? Do you want to make it habit to exercise 6 times per week? What about avoiding junk food 6 days a week?

Of course there are many other worthwhile goals such as travel, building, work related etc, but I am mainly concerned with health and fitness goals here. More often than not though, once you achieve a goal such as losing weight, you are much more likely to be able to achieve other goals as well. It is very empowering. Physical goals have a way of helping you mentally and spiritually as well.

Many clients have said that attending Bootcamp and working on their physical selves has put them in a much better place mentally as well. Loads of studies have proven the benefits of exercise for depression and other mental illnesses.

So have a think about what you want to achieve and get to work on it right now. Don't wait another minute. Get your sneakers on and go do one of the free workouts on my website www.fitterfasteronline.com

If you are reading this at work, do it as soon as you get home. The 15 minutes it will take will not make any difference to that long list of stuff you have do get done. Don't let yourself come up with a single excuse. That's what they are you know, those reasons, they are just excuses that you could work around if you tried to. If you don't think so, send me your reason and I will help you.

Come and join us at Bootcamp for a real boost to your energy levels. Working in the group really helps with motivation. Remember my offer to try Bootcamp as many times as you like before New Years Day for free.

Times over the christmas period are as follows:

Tuesday 23rd 9.30am
Tuesday 23rd 5.30pm
Wednesday 24th 6am
Friday 26th 9.30am
Saturday 27th 9.30am
Monday 29th 6am
Monday 29th 9.30am
Tuesday 30th 5.30pm
Wednesday 31st 6am
Saturday 3rd 9.30am

All Bootcamps over the school holidays will be held at my place except the Saturday morning ones which will be at Princes Park if cool or in the Lions Park in Park Rd if very hot (to take advantage of the shade)

Please let me know if you would like to attend any of these Bootcamp workouts at no cost and with no obligation to sign up. Go on, get your calendar out right now and decide which ones you can attend. What have you got to lose and what are you waiting for. NO EXCUSES-JUST RESULTS

Have a great christmas. And don't forget that a Fitterfaster Bootcamp package makes a great christmas gift for yourself or a loved one.


Thursday, December 18, 2008


You know who you are. You have maybe contacted me via email, or even attended a Bootcamp workout to give it a try. You've been following the blog, checking out the website occasionally. Saying to yourself "I might like to do that" or "Or I am going to do that when........."

Now is the time to start. Don't make up another excuse. You are not too unfit!! You can find the time!! You know you want to get fit!! You know you want to lose weight!! What are you waiting for??

Here is a deal you can't refuse. If you are one of the above and have contacted me at some stage either in person or via email or phone or on Facebook or queried about Fitterfaster in the past. If you have quizzed a Fitterfaster client and promised to come but haven't, this is the time. Even if you have just been thinking about it after someone told you about the website. Don't wait till New Years Day (what is that??) Don't wait till the kids are back at school or holidays start or work gets quiet or blah blah blah. Those things are not going to make any difference. It is you that needs to decide to do it. I bet you find time to watch that favourite TV show. You will always find a reason why you can't do it. Make the choice that you can!!

Here it is. Come to as many Fitterfaster Bootcamps as you like before New Years Day for FREE! There are 11 Bootcamps between now and then. Come to all of them if you like. No obligation. If you take me up on this and then do decide to sign up for more Bootcamps, you can have 30 sessions for $240 to start in the New Year. That's only $8 per Bootcamp. And it comes with a guarantee. If you don't lose cm's, you get your money back. Really what have you got to lose?

All you have to do is let me know when you are coming and turn up with a drink and a towel. Details of all sessions can be found here

The only change to this schedule will be that I will not be holding a Bootcamp on Christmas day, but will have one on boxing day instead at 9.30am at my place.

Everyone is getting such great results.

Here are some of them:

Tania 29.5cm in 7 weeks
Maree 31.5cm in 8 weeks
Narelle 39cm in 8 weeks
Brooke 16.5cm in 5 weeks
Amanda 30.5cm in 9 weeks
Fiona 18.5cm in 6 weeks
Brit 16.5cm in 6 weeks
Sue 29cm in 8 weeks
Karin 33.5cm in 8 weeks
Brooke 10cm in 4 weeks
Jennie 29.5cm in 7 weeks

What are you waiting for? NO EXCUSES-JUST RESULTS Contact me via email at joanne@fitterfasteronline.com


For new clients only


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stretching, is it necessary??

Sometimes I am asked if stretching during warm up or after a workout is necessary. All the research tells us that is DOES NOT PREVENT INJURY OR DECREASE MUSCLE SORENESS. Yes it feels good at the time. But it does not prevent injuries. Some injuries are actually worsened by stretching.

Static stretching before a workout or as part of a warm up is an outdated tradition that has been proven to actually decrease strength and co-ordination during the subsequent training session, which may even contribute to an injury. Static stretching is not used anymore in elite sports as part of a warm up. These people know their stuff. They know the research.

What about stretching afterwards? Well as previously stated, it has never been proven to lessen or decrease the risk of injury. Stretching has been proven to increase flexibility if undertaken regularly however. But on all questionaires and surveys that have been completed by my clients, not one has stated increased flexibility as a goal for their training.

If you have time to stretch after a workout, it will not do any harm, unless you further aggravate any pre-existing injuries. It even feels really good to stretch after a workout. So I repeat, if you have time, do it if it makes you feel good.

I prefer to spend an extra 5-10 minutes on productive tasks that get me and my clients closer to their goals-namely improving fitness, losing body fat, increasing strength and adding muscle mass. I usually include some kind of dynamic stretching in my warm ups eg. wide side stepping, easy squats (yes you are stretching those muscles,) windmills, twists etc. I feel that these serve to 'wake up' the body especially if the training session is held shortly after getting out of bed. I never do static stretching in a warm up.

I also do a cool down after a session by walking till the breath has returned to normal and sweating has ceased-usually about 3-5 minutes depending on the last activity performed. Also, some exercises such as lunges and deep squats serve to stretch the leg muscles in a much more productive way than static stretching. I often include them towards or at the end of a workout.

I hope this has helped to clear up some of the confusion out there and to explain why I do not usually include static stretching in my Bootcamp workouts.

I carefully plan each workout to include a good mix of upper and lower body strength work and cardio work depending on my goals for the session. I aim to promote fat burning and metabolism enhancing activities depending on the individuals needs while gradually and progressively improving the fitness, strength, endurance and balance of everyone. Workouts are often changed on the spur of the moment too, to accomodate different levels and abilities. All of this is done using a variety of activities and tools to keep you all interested and prevent boredom as we all know that consistency and committment together with the correct training methods are what will help us all get to where we want to be.

My workouts are challenging, but achievable. If you are looking for a quick fix and are not willing to put in the effort, please look elsewhere. Now who wants to get rid of that spare tyre?

If you have any comments about this or any other matter regarding my Bootcamp workouts, please comment below or send me an email joanne@fitterfasteronline.com
I will be only too willing to answer your questions.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Super christmas discount

Extra special christmas special on Bootcamp price. Sign up between 17th and 24th December for 24 session christmas special and receive and extra 6 sessions free. That is 30 Bootcamps for $240. Absolutely no rain checks. Sign up and pay before 24th December to get in on this amazing offer.

For further details about Bootcamp go here.

The easiest way to sign up is online. Hit the Buy Now button and then return to the previous page to complete your details.

Don't miss out on this great offer. This is a great way to start your new years resolutions. I repeat, you must sign up and pay by 24th December.


Win a Massage and more cm lost

On Saturday at Bootcamp 9.30am at Princes Park, I will be giving away 2 massage vouchers from Ruby V to two lucky participants. It's my birthday, so I thought gifts were in order. So come along and have some fun. This is another great reason to come to your first Bootcamp. You will need a drink (or two) and a towel.
Start your New Years resolution early. You know there is no magic about the new year!! Don't put it off. Get a jump start and prevent the usual weight gain over the next couple of weeks.

I remeasured some more clients yesterday and they achieved more great results as follows:

Maree-another 11cm bringing her total to 31.5cm
Tania-another 13.5cm bringing her total loss so far to 29.5cm

Fantastic effort ladies. Another Fitterfaster client said that "when I went out last night, it was the first time in ages that I felt like I looked alright!" Other comments lately have been "everyone is asking me if I've lost weight" and "the girls at work say I look great"

Come on, get started. Don't put it off any longer. Forget the excuses, come and try one free session at least and see what it is all about.

Let me know if you are coming at joanne@fitterfasteronline.com


Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Bootcamp Timeslot

Hi everyone

After several requests I am adding another bootcamp time to the schedule. This timeslot will be for the christmas school holidays only at this stage, and will also depend on numbers that attend. The new time will be 5.30pm on Tuesday. So the times are as follows:

Monday 6am
Monday 9.30am
Tuesday 5.30pm
Wednesday 6am
Thursday 5pm
Saturday 9.30am

All Bootcamps will be held at my place over the holidays except for the Saturday session which will continue to be held at Princes Park till further notice. Look for us on Princes Park or at the Lions Park in Park Rd if the weather is hot, as there is a nice lot of shade there.

Don't forget my 24 session package is still available till christmas eve.
You are welcome to bring your kids to Bootcamp. Kids aged over 6 can participate (free for 6-16yo), but please remember that they are your responsibility.

So don't forget new time slot Tuesday 5pm which should make it possible for most of you to get in 3 sessions per week. Also, all Bootcamps except Saturday held at my place.

Welcome to new participant Peter Barlow. Yes we finally have another man. Greg has been attending Monday 6am sessions and Pete has now been twice.

Hope you are all organised for christmas. Don't forget to do your home workouts and keep those greats results coming.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

How many carbs do I need??

I often get asked how many carbs should I be eating? Or how much protein do I need to lose weight? There are many different theories about this, and what works for one person may not work for another. Some of the factors to consider are:

Current and past diet history
History of drug and supplement use
Blood types
Activity level
Activity type
Training age
Body Type
History of type and level of training

These are just some of the things to consider. But all this is really irrelevant for anyone who has more than a few kgs to lose. There is no need to overcomplicate your nutritional plan until you get to those last couple of kilos that just wont seem to budge. If you think that this is the secret, you are way off the mark.

It is actually a lot simpler and easier than that. Make good food choices and eat healthily. That is the key. No secrets, no complicated formula. That's it.

Do the following:

Choose healthy foods-fruits, vegetables, eggs, lean meats and fish.

Include small portions of nuts and or seeds every day-not fried or salted

Cut out as much grains as possible. That includes breads, pastas, wraps, pastry as well as cakes, biscuits etc

Avoid all drinks except water. (some tea or coffee is okay)

Eat every 2-3 hours every day while awake

Have a protein with every meal or snack-that is eggs, meat, fish

Need I say, don't eat lollies, chocolates, cakes, biscuits, pastries etc etc

Train hard at least 5 times per week-3 strength circuits and at least 2 high intensity cardio sessions.

Eat salads, vegetables or fruits with every meal or snack

Stick to it. This won't work if you don't do it properly. This is life long eating-not a diet!!

Remember,there are no secret supplements or exact formulas.


Monday, December 8, 2008

More great losses recorded

I did some more remeasures yesterday on 5 FitterFaster clients and recorded more great results. A total of 68cm was lost by these 5 people who have put in a great effort over the past 4 weeks.

Fiona lost 18.5cm, Brooke lost 10cm and 8kgs, Brit lost 16.5cm, Narelle lost another 14.5cm bringing her total lost to 39cm and Karin lost another 8.5cm bringing her total to 33.5cm lost.

These great results are an inspiration to every one of us. Well done!! If you would like to start losing cm's like these FitterFaster clients, go on over to www.fitterfasteronline.com and sign up before christmas for a great deal on Bootcamp prices.

Don't forget to keep up your fantastic training efforts over the Christmas/New Year period and you will avoid regaining any of those centimetres back. You will even continue to lose if you maintain you healthy diets for most of the time. Try to fit in an extra Bootcamp is you can each week and make sure that you train at least 5 days per week. In my last newsletter I talked about fitting in an extra 'mini' but intense training session especially on those days when you know you are going to eat more than you should. I have included a reprint of that session below.

Quick Metabolism Booster

Go through this whole sequence 5 times. Take a couple of minutes to cool down and stretch afterwards

ExerciseManual-Notes (if any)
High Knee Drill
1. Stand at foot of agility ladder or just stand in place.
2. Drive knee up towards chest and place that foot in first square or back on the ground.
Drive other knee up and land in next square and so on down the ladder in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time.

Trainer's comments:
Lift those knees really high no matter how puffed you are getting

Sets RepsWeight/
120 each leg  
Bodyweight Squats
1. Start by placing feet shoulder width apart and holding your arms out in front of you.
2. Proceed to squat down like you are going to sit in a chair. Your upper body will lean forward slightly and your hips will shift backwards while going down.
3. Remember to keep your knees from going out in front of your toes while squatting.
4. Repeat according to your required repetitions. If you want to make the exercise more challenging hold your arms at your sides or behind your head.

Trainer's comments:
Go down nice and low. Keep your chest high

Sets RepsWeight/
Mountain Climbers
1. Start by getting on your hands and feet in a prone position.
2. Keeping your body parallel to ground drive your knees up towards your chest alternating back and forth.
3. Repeat this movement for the required number of seconds.

Trainer's comments:
10 on each leg. Stretch back leg right out and bring front foot right under your chest

Sets RepsWeight/
Air Bike Crunches
1. Start by lying on your back with your hands behind your back and thighs bent 90 degrees at your hip.
2. Simultaneously curl your right shoulder and left knee up towards the center of your body until your elbow and knee touch. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
3. Continuously repeat this pattern for the prescribed repetitions.

Trainer's comments:
10 to each knee. Remember to bring your shoulder towards your knee, not your elbow

Sets RepsWeight/

At any time of the year you can add a short workout like this to your regular routine as a boost, but it is especially effective at the moment when you will probably consume all those things that I advise against like alcohol, nibblies and desserts. Just try to have very small portions and make sure that you eat normally and properly for the rest of the day.

If you can't make it to FitterFaster Bootcamp training sessions, you could have your own personalised online training program that includes descriptions and animations of all exercises like the ones above. The program will include all fat burning cardio workouts and all metabolism boosting strength circuits. You will have full email support and your workouts will be adjusted according to your progress and your goals. Go to online training programs for more info.

Keep up the good work ladies


More great losses recorded

Hi everyone

Did a heap of measurements today and have some great results to report to you. I will send them out tomorrow.

I am going to have to change Saturday's (13th December) bootcamp session time. We haven't got the full basketball timetable yet, but our first game is at 8am in Castlemaine, so I will not be able to make it for 9.30am. Depending on the time of the next game and whether we come home between them, I may need to either just change the time or maybe even move it to Sunday. If anyone misses out because of the time change I will add a bonus session onto your program. I am really sorry about this.

Also, the following week (20th December) I am celebrating my birthday by giving away a gift voucher for a massage at Ruby V's. Anyone who attends the Bootcamp on 20th December is eligible to win it. So make sure you come along.

Don't forget that you can bring your kids along to train for nothing if they are aged between 6-16years. We have had quite a few join in lately and they are really enjoying it. It is great general fitness for any sport or to improve strength, endurance, balance, power and of course weight control.

And last but not least, the Christmas special price of $240 for 24 Bootcamp sessions is still valid till 24th December. If you want to renew your program or purchase a new one, this deal includes weekly 'homework' workouts and full email support as well as 24 x 50 minute bootcamp training sessions. Results are guaranteed. If at the end of your first Fitness Package you have not lost cm's, you get your money back.

I have just purchased some new equipment which should be here by the end of the week. Look forward to using the kettlebells, hurdles and agility bands along with the slosh pipe and tyres, sledgehammer and equaliser bars. All this new stuff gives us heaps of new ways to work out muscles, improve our fitness and of course burn heaps of fat. It will all combine well with our own bodyweight, the medicine balls, jump ropes, steps etc. Variety is the spice of life as they say!

Don't forget to keep on training over the christmas period. See you all at a training session soon. Come and try your first one free.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Free Bootcamps over christmas holidays

Don't forget that you can attend your first bootcamp session for free. So come and try FitterFaster out. Get into some high intensity conditioning workouts and don't put on any weight for once over this Christmas and New Year period. In fact you will most likely lose some. You never know you might enjoy it and if not, what have you got to lose? If you don't lose any cm's you get you money back-so who could argue with that??

If you do decide that you want to give it a go and lose some fat and get into great shape, visit www.fitterfasteronline.com for a great special price on a FitterFaster 24 session package deal. The offer only stands till Christmas Eve, so come along soon and have a go. This really works!! You will have more energy and feel great.

Group Bootcamp sessions are held:
Monday 6am at my place
Monday 9.30am at my place
Wednesday 6am at my place
Thursday 5pm at old Tech College Nolan St
Saturday 9.30am at Princes Park

If you want to give it a try, let me know via email joanne@fitterfasteronline.com, phone me, or send a message via Facebook

Monday, December 1, 2008

What to eat-sample daily diet plan

Due to getting so many questions about what exactly to eat, I am republishing this recent article with 2 days of sample meal plans.

Now remember these are not 'diets' in the traditional sense. These are examples of how you should be eating every day, not just till christmas or till the wedding or whatever.

These two sample days do not allow for any 'treats'. Make sure that twice per week-no more you allow yourself a treat if you really have to. Do not go way overboard though. The more you cheat, the slower the weight loss will be. I find that having a treat makes me want it more often and therefore I am usually better off not having it at all. If you must cheat have your treat with one of the meals. If you find that you are hungry, you are not eating enough. Increase the size of the servings!!

First rule: Eat every 2-3 hours!!! I cannot stress this enough. If it is less than 2 hours since your last meal, do not eat. If it gets to the 3 hour mark, you need to eat right now.

Second rule: Eat protein at every meal there are several reasons for this which I will go into in a future post. Very very important

Third rule: Eat salad, fruit and vegies till satisfied You should not be hungry eating like this. If you are, eat more fresh fruit, salad vegetables or steamed vegetables at your meals. When I say huge serving, I mean HUGE as any of you that know me personally can testify to. You will probably find yourself thinking 'gee is it time to eat again?'


Meal One
2 whole eggs, poached, fried (just a spray of olive oil), scrambled or cooked into omelette.
1 piece of wholemeal or wholegrain toast-no spreads
You can add grilled tomatoes if you want, or add onion, capsicum etc to eggs

Meal Two
1-2 pieces of fruit
1 protein shake with water (no carbs)

Meal Three
approx 100g chicken
steamed vegetables- cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, sweet peas, zucchini, capsicum etc
1 small steamed potato is optional

Meal Four
200g full cream yoghurt
fresh fruit-I cut mine and put it into vanilla yoghurt

Meal Five
approx 120-140g chicken, lean beef or lean lamb
huge salad-no dressing mix it up and have heaps of different salad vegies

Meal Six
1 piece of fresh fruit or 3/4 cup of canned fruit no added sugar
1 protein shake with water (no carbs)


Meal One
200g full cream yoghurt (300g if you did one of my workouts beforehand)
no sugar added canned fruit or fresh fruit (enough fruit to satisfy hunger)

Meal Two
approx 100g of left over chicken, lamb or beef from last night's meal
with medium salad

Meal Three
150g white fish or 100g salmon
large serve of steamed vegetables as in day one OR huge salad
Optional small/medium steamed potato

Meal Four
1-3 pieces of fruit
1 protein shake with water (I blend together my shake with fresh strawberries and canned pears or even frozen berries and water)

Meal Five
120-140g chicken, beef or lamb
huge serve of steamed vegies or huge salad

Meal Six
100g plain cottage cheese mixed with 1 teaspoon of jam
Add strawberries if you want. Tastes like dessert, but cottage cheese is high in protein and low in fat and carbs.

Now remember these are just samples of what I would eat in a day. I also add some chocolate about once per week, usually to meal six. Most Saturdays, I have pizza for tea. I have a vegetarian one that does not have much cheese and I get extra vegies on it. I eat 1-2 pieces and then pick the grilled toppings off the rest. Yum! Depending on my protein intake for the rest of the day, I may also have a protein shake with it.

You can also alter the order of the meals by swapping Meals two, three or six around with each other. It all just takes preparation. Cook extra meat the night before and pack with salad to take to work. You can easily steam vegies in the microwave a t work too. Even though I have included protein shakes in the menu samples, I still want everyone to eat heaps of real unprocessed foods. Protein shakes are just a great way to get the protein in when you are on the go.

If you would like an individual plan made up, go to Customised Nutrition Plans. These plans include a base daily schedule and food lists from which you choose. That way I can include foods that you like and vice versa for ones you don't.

Give it a try. You will definately lose weight, but even better, you will improve your health and feel heaps better.


PS and don't forget to sign up for my newsletter at www.fitterfasteronline.com

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Kids train for free

Did you know that you can bring your kids along to Fitterfaster Group Training sessions. Kids aged 6 to 16 over can participate with a paying parent at no cost. There have been quite a number of kids joining us over the past month and they have been really enjoying it. All of the activities we do are stuff that kids do every day in the playground and can in no way damage their bones or affect their growth. (well only in good ways)


If you feel your children could do with some extra activity or they just want to come along and have some fun, bring them with you next time. Please make me aware of any injuries etc that they may have though before they start.

If you are not participating, but would like your child or children to attend, you can sign them up at www.fitterfasteronline.com/

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Website revamp

Over the next week or so, I am going to be working on updating and revamping my website. I will be adding new content including lots more free workouts and more recipes. If you have any recipe ideas, send them through to me and I may be able to include them on my site. I am adding lots of new photos as well so see if you can spot yourself.

I am also currently working on building and purchasing some new equipment to be used in our fitness sessions, so get ready for some new exercises and sore muscles in new places.

If you get a chance to have a look at www.fitterfasteronline.com, please let me know what you think. Hopefully I will be done by the end of the week. As always, it is a work in progress.

Also, don't forget the Christmas special of 24 sessions for $240 available only till 24th December.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Problems with newsletter subscription

Have you subscribed to my Fitterfaster Newsletter at www.fitterfasteronline.com and not been receiving them? If so, you may have to resubscribe. When you do, you will receive a confirmatory email straight away in which you have to click the link to confirm your subscription. If you do not do so, your newsletters will not arrive. Check your spam/junkmail folder if you do not receive this email.

You may also need to add the newsletter email address to your contacts list to enable the emails to be sent to your inbox instead of getting stuck in the junkmail folder. The newsletter address is joanne@fitterfasteronline.com

By subscribing to this blog (see right) and the newsletter, you can be assured that you will receive all of my special offers and information about FitterFaster programs. If you currently have a FitterFaster fitness program in place or sign up for one in the next few days, look out in your letter box for a little thank you christmas gift from me to you.

Jo Butler

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Losing Bodyfat over Christmas

Sound impossible. Not if you follow a few guidelines.

Make sure you are subscribed to the Fitterfasteronline newsletter.

In a few days I am sending out the next issue which will have some practical real-life tips to surviving the silly season. Tips like "eat before you go out" don't really help in the real world. We aren't eating all that party fare because we are hungry, we are eating it because it is there. So that will just mean that we eat and then eat again when we get there. Definately not helping!!!

I have some tips that will really make a difference, but don't expect yourself to be perfect. This is a time for celebrating, but in a sensible manner.

So in the meantime, keep up with your training (that is my first tip by the way) It really helps to keep in your routine. Burning calories while maintaining muscle will be one of the most important tools you have to stop the fat piling on over the next month or two.

Jo Butler

PS I am sending a bonus out to all current clients in the mail in the next couple of weeks, so if you are thinking about starting your fitness plan make sure you do it in the next week so you don't miss out. Fitness Coaching details

Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Discounts and freebies

Hi everyone

I've just sent an email out to all my current clients reminding them that if they refer a friend, collegue or family member to Fitterfaster and that person signs up for a fitness session package by the end of November, they can earn themselves $80 (for each referral) to go towards their next package. I will be offering similar deals next year as well.

Now to my Christmas Package Special. Purchase a 24 Fitness Session Package before midnight on Christmas Eve for the special price of $240. This price applies to new clients and current ones. So if current clients refer a friend, they could purchase the package for $160. That is for 24 sessions! Sign up here

If you want to start losing cm's like Tania and Amanda who just lost 16cm in 4 weeks and 29cm in 8 weeks sign up now. What have you got to lose? (sorry) Dont forget that if you don't lose cm's by the end of your fitness package, you get your money back. So again What Have You Got To Lose??

Sunday, November 23, 2008

More great losses recorded

29cm in 8 weeks and 16cm in 4 weeks are the latest results from Fitterfaster clients. Congratulations to Amanda and Tania on these fantastic results. You have both been putting in such a great effort.

It can be very hard to stick to your good intentions especially at this time of the year. Just try to reduce the damage as best you can. For instance, if you have a big party, dinner or whatever coming up on the weekend, don't say "oh well I will get back on track Monday." Stay on track for the weekend, and just go overboard for the one meal. Eat well for the rest of the day and the day after. Don't write off the whole weekend for the sake of a couple of hours. One bad meal will not ruin the whole week, but a whole weekend of bingeing will do lots of damage. Remember it is all those weekends put together that got you where you are now.

Why not start your fitness, new body journey before the christmas chaos hits, and continue it through the holiday period. And the same rules for your eating apply here too. A couple of days off from your workouts will not hurt, but a week or more will have you heading very quickly back to where you started.

Check out the fitness packages at FitterFasterOnline and shout yourself one for christmas. They also make a great gift for a loved one. What better gift than improved health and well being?? Gift vouchers are also available for any amount.

Jo Butler

Friday, November 21, 2008

12 Days Of Fitness

Hi everyone

What 'great' weather we are having for this time of year. I hope no one is using it as an excuse to slack off on the fitness routine!!!

I just wanted to let you know about a promotion that is being held called the 12 Days of Fitness. Basically it is promotion where you sign up and can receive a heap of free fitness resources from all over the world. There is nothing to buy. Every Fitness expert that is participating is offering their Gift free of charge. I have been chosen to represent Victoria Australia and I am offering a 4 week online Metabolic Booster Workout Program as my gift. When you sign up, you will receive the 4 weeks' worth of workouts sent to you. For anyone who is thinking about signing up for an online or Personal Fitness coaching program, but would like to 'sample' my workouts first, this is an ideal opportunity to get 4 weeks worth as my gift to you for christmas.

Every gift is optional and you only receive the ones that you are interested in. So please go to www.12daysoffitness.com and sign up if you want to receive my program. This is the only way to get the Metabolic Booster Program. I will not be offering it any other way.

Dont forget my training session tomorrow (Sunday 23rd November) at the old Technical College at 10am. Meet at the Nolan Street car park by 9.55am. Come along and try your first session FREE.
Joanne Butler

Monday, November 17, 2008

Group Fitness session change this weekend

Hi everyone

I am going to have to change my Saturday session this week due to Energy Breakthrough. I have a few times in mind, so please let me know which one suits you best and I will try to accomodate as many of you as possible even if I have to run two sessions in lieu of the 9.30am Saturday one.
The times are:
Saturday 1pm
Sunday 10am
Sunday 1pm

If you were planning on coming, please let me know which time suits you best before Wednesday so that I can let everyone know ahead of time. The session will be held at the old Technical college gym Nolan St regardless of which time or times we end up with.


Friday, November 14, 2008

What happens at a group session?

I just uploaded a video that demonstrates some of the things that you will do at Fitterfaster Group sessions or Bootcamp. You won't have to do all of these things, and there are lots more too. Check it out here

New trainees are always only challenged to their individual levels and you will be surprised how quickly you will improve and get results.

Hope to see you at a session soon. Come and try your first one free


Fitterfaster new clients welcome

A huge welcome to the new fitterfaster clients this week. Thankyou for putting your trust in me to help with your fitness and health goals. If you put in the effort, you will not be disappointed. Results will come to those who make the right choices.

I thought I would talk a little bit about exercise today and how much is enough etc.

First of all, where should you start? It is best to not contemplate this too much and just start doing something. Some people get so caught up in the planning, that they neglect to actually do something about their problem. Any exercise is going to be better than none. Even walking is better than nothing, but as you know I recommend something a little more energetic for MOST people if you want to see results. Pick a free workout from www.fitterfasteronline.com and just do it. Move on from there with a different one each time, or if you really enjoy the same one, repeat it till you get sick of it. Just get started. If you find it hard to get motivated or to stick to the workouts on your own, come and join my group sessions. The first one is free, so you can see what it is all about. They are lots of fun and you will definatly work out harder than you will by yourself, therefore getting better results more quickly. If you don't get any results from your group sessions, you get your money back, so what have you got to lose?

Secondly, how often should you exercise? If you are a new exerciser, who hasn't done anything for a long time, I would suggest that you start off with a day or two between each workout. But only if you have trained with some intensity, as you will have some sore muscles and will need the extra recovery time. Then you can build up to working out every day for the best results. Just vary the exercises you are doing each day to avoid overtraining certain muscle groups. But don't use overtraining as an excuse to not workout regularly. It is pretty hard to overtrain as long as you build up over time. I have regularly trained hard for 13-14 hours per week for a long time without suffering any overtraining effects. And I do have those nights where the kids keep my awake or are sick or whatever, just like everyone else. But I choose not to let excuses stop me and I find a way to fit it in.

How long should each workout last? This will also vary on the individual. If you train hard as I teach you, 20 minutes is plenty long enough, with maybe 2-3 workouts each week being up to an hour. Intensity is the key to keeping workouts short without losing their effectiveness. Short breaks, no interruptions and hard work will give you the best results.

Remember, it takes more than just saying you are going to do it. You actually have to put in the effort. Excuses just have to be pushed aside. "I've had a bad day," "I'm too tired the baby kept me awake last night," etc will not get you results. You must move past them and workout anyway. Remember that it is those exact excuses that got you to where you are now. Change in your behaviour is what is needed to get changes in your body. Just get started applies here too. You will find that doing a workout will actually give you some energy back and you will feel better physically and mentally for having made the effort. It becomes habit after a while, so choose to do it anyway for a month and notice the difference.

Again welcome to Fitterfaster's new clients. I look forward to seeing you all regularly at each week's sessions. You will not be disappointed in your results, as long as you remember that it is you that has to put in the effort.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another Big Loser

The latest Fitterfaster client to have a measure up has lost 24.5cm and 3 kgs in 4 weeks. Fantastic Narelle. A great effort I am sure everyone will agree.

Don't forget to spread the word to all your friends, coworkers and relatives that they can get great results like this too. And earn yourself $80 towards your next fitness package if they sign up in November. Everyone can come to one group session for free, so maybe you could get them to try just one!

Gift vouchers are also available on the website which make great christmas gifts to give or receive. You can make the voucher for any value. Get them here

Have a great week and don't forget to let me know if you are coming to any fitness session. Keep up the great work everyone.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

20.5cm and 25.5cm lost

I've done two remeasures in the last couple of days and am very proud of Maree and Karin for losing 20.5cm and 25.5cm respectively. This is such a fantastic effort and reflects the effort that these two ladies have been making with their training and healthy eating.

These are the kind of results that you can expect to achieve if you train with intensity regularly and change the types of foods that you are eating. Maree told me today that she is eating so much food (she is following my plan.) She is eating much more than she ever did on any 'diet' and is never hungry.

Well done ladies and keep up the good work.


I am taking bookings for my new Fitterfaster Bootcamp which will commence on November 24th. You must register before 15th November or you will miss out. I will have to limit numbers too, so book early. You can book on the website here

Time Change Group Fitness Class

First I would like to thank everyone for the fantastic effort you have been putting into your training programs. We have had heaps of participants over the last few weeks with a massive 11 participants to just one group on Monday. That's a record. Numbers are consistently improving and you are all doing really, really well.

We have had a couple of set backs with one person twisting her ankle while chasing a child across the road and another hurting her knee at tennis, but they have both continued with their programs (with modifications of course) and this is the type of committment that will get you results. Don't lose hope if you have a setback, just keep on going and look to today and tomorrow, not yesterday. It is giving up on yourself that got you where you are. Our bodies need taking care of every day, not just when we feel like it.

So to the fitness class time change. We are moving our Wednesday 5pm class to Thursday evenings at 5pm instead. It will now be held next to the old Tech Gym Building (Court 3 for those who are into basketball) You can access this from Nolan St where there is a carpark on your left if heading towards the Railway line. The class will be held on the 'grass' between the gym building and the railway line.

Hope to see you all there. Keep up the great work everyone


PS Keep an eye on the Advertiser today for details of Fitterfaster Bootcamp. Any current clients who wish to participate, contact me to find out how to put your current program on hold or convert.

Monday, November 3, 2008

7 Keys to Change your Habits

Now that summer is getting closer and christmas is nearly upon us, now is a great time to get started on your fitness plan. Think of how it will feel if you have dropped a pant size or two (or three) when the warm weather hits for good. Get your loved ones to get you a gift voucher or purchase a package of Fitness Coaching sessions for you for christmas. Or you could give the same gift to someone close to you.

Any clients in that refer a friend or family member to Fitterfaster who then purchases a package of fitness sessions will receive an $80 credit towards their next package. Refer two friends and receive $160 etc. So sign up now and then get some friends to join you. You will all benefit from the workouts and health improvements.

There are a few keys to changing bad habits … I highly recommend that you create a plan based on these keys, before you start to implement your habit change, so that you are well prepared and well positioned for success. I have used the example of binge eating on junk food, but the same keys apply to changing any habit such as quitting smoking or missing workouts.

1. For each habit, identify your triggers. What situations trigger your binge eating (boredom, watching TV, sitting down after tea, having coffee, drinking alcohol, stressful meetings, going out with friends, driving, etc.)? Identify all of them, for each habit.

2. For every single trigger, identify a positive habit you’re going to do instead. When you are bored, instead of eating, what will you do? What about when you get stressed? When you go out with friends? Some positive habits could include: exercise, meditation, deep breathing, organizing, decluttering, and more.

3. For at least one month, focus entirely on being as consistent with your triggers as possible. That means, every single time those triggers come up, do the positive habit you identified instead of the negative one. The more consistent you are, the better the habit will form. If you sometimes do the new habit when the trigger occurs, and sometimes don’t, the new habit won’t form very well. Try to do it every single time. If for some reason you fail, extend the one-month period and try to be very consistent from that point onward.

4. Avoid some situations where you normally drink and eat, at least for a while, to make it a bit easier on yourself. If you normally drink when you go out with friends, consider not going out for a little while. If you normally go outside your office with co-workers to eat or smoke, avoid going out with them. This applies to any bad habit — whether it be eating junk food or doing drugs, there are some situations you can avoid that are especially difficult for someone trying to change a bad habit. Realize, though, that when you go back to those situations, you will still get the old urges, and when that happens you should be prepared.

5. Realize that your urges will be strong, but they will go away after a few minutes. They come in waves, but just ride out the wave. Find strategies for getting through the urges — deep breathing, self massage, eating frozen grapes, walking around, exercising, calling a friend who will support you.

6. Ask for help. Get your family and friends and co-workers to support you. Join a Fitness Group like FitterFaster. Get a workout/health buddy. When you have really strong urges or a really difficult time, call on your support network for help. Don’t eat junk food, for example, without emailing your support crew or me. Don't eat it until you call your buddy first.

7. Staying positive is key! You will have negative thoughts — the important thing is to realize when you’re having them, and push them out of your head. Squash them like a bug! Then replace them with a positive thought. “I can do this! If Jo can do it, so can I!” :)

Bonus tip: If you fail (and many of you will, at least once), don’t give up. It can take many many attempts before you get control. Figure out what went wrong, and plan strategies to overcome that obstacle the next time. Keep your positive attitude and keep trying. You’ll get it eventually.

And don't let old habits sneak back once you reach your goals. If you binge or fall off the wagon, just get up and keep on going. Let it pass and move on. Don't give up because you have a set back. Every day you will be tempted, but it does get easier. The key is to move on and remember what it is you are trying to achieve.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

$5 training for kids and new bootcamp coming soon

All children aged 10-16 can come to any group fitness session for $5- or less. Children attending will be able to join in with the whole session with some exercises altered to cater for their differing fitness levels as with all participants, young or older. These sessions are great for general fitness and health improvement for kids and also to increase sports performance ability no matter which sport they participate in. Send my an email joanne@fitterfasteronline.com or click here if you are interested in your child or children attending.

Group fitness sessions are held:

Monday 6am at my place
Monday 9.30am at my place
Wednesday 6am at my place
Wednesday 5pm at Jack Pascoe Reserve
Saturday 9.30am Princes Park

I am starting up a morning 'Bootcamp' soon for men and women. I haven't decided on days yet, but it will be 3 days per week at 5.45 or 6am. You will have to attend all three sessions and the 'camp' will go for 6 weeks. It will also include 1-2 home workouts per week and nutritional guidelines. All participants are guaranteed great results or your money back. There will also be a cash prize for the "participant of the camp." If you think you may be interested in losing some serious weight, getting in great shape and getting fitter with heaps more energy for the new year, contact me for more details joanne@fitterfasteronline.com I will have to limit numbers, so contact me first to reserve your place.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

11cm off in 2 weeks

I did a quick remeasure of one of my clients today. It had only been 2 weeks since Amanda's last measure, which is really way too soon to be doing it again, but she was pretty keen to see how she is going.

Amanda has lost a total of 11cm in the last 2 weeks by following my nutritional plan, doing regular group fitness sessions with me and by doing her 'homework' fitness sessions as she calls them. That is a fantastic result and added to the 10cm or so that she had lost from when she first started my plan to the last remeasure is absolutely amazing. She is well on the way to the body of her dreams.

The improvement in Amanda's fitness is incredible too. She has gone from not being able do even a few repetitions of most of the exercises, to being able to do different variations of the many different exercises and movements that we do in the group fitness sessions. I am so proud of her. She is really putting in the effort and the results are showing this.

It really is important to follow the whole plan, eating the correct nutritious foods and doing all the workouts that I set for you. Anyone can do this if they want to change.

Well done Amanda. Just remember to keep eating ALL the food on your plan!!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Men Required and My workout of the day

It's official, I need men. My workouts don't just work for women. Does your man need some shaping up? What about his health, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease. Regular exercise decreases the symptoms and the risk of getting these things in the first place.

A few men have tried the workouts and found them surprisingly challenging. And to all you men out there that are hanging it on your wives and girlfriends while they do it, how about putting your body where you mouth is and having a go yourself!! I challenge any of you to do a workout with us and see how you go. It is also great training to improve your performance in any sport. Greater strength and endurance, greater core control, faster, quicker, leaner who could ask for more.

Now my workout of the day:

50 minute run at 12.2kph plus warm up and cool down

5.45am mini circuit of the following 5 x through
20 x KB swing each arm
20 mountain climbers on each leg
20 swiss ball sit ups
20 up and downers (you ladies know what they are)
20 plyometric jumping lunges

9.30am Pump class for 60 minutes at YMCA

10.30am 20 minute mini posterior chain circuit in YMCA gym
lat pulldowns 2 x 10
low cable row 2 x 10
incline rear shoulder raise 2 x 10
stiff legged deadlift 2 x 10
one arm bent over dumbbell row 2 x 10


I challenge you blokes to a workout with me any day.

Abs circuit
various planks, crunches, leg raises, sit ups etc for 20 minutes

Can you see your abs fellas?? I can see mine!

Ladies show your man this post and get him off his __________ Or tell the men you know at work, family, friends etc. I would really appreciate it.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Online Training Plans

As you know, any online training plan clients can come to any group fitness session for $5-. I have decided to extend the offer, by making the 3rd or 4th session in any week free to those clients.

Any 12 or 24 session package clients can have their 4th session free in each week.
Now that is an incentive to come more often!! Remember the more consistent you are with your training, the better your results will be.

All those due for a remeasure and weigh in next week, please contact me via email or phone to organise a suitable time. This is for all those that have been training or doing their nutrition plan for 4 weeks. I will keep everyone posted on the great results that I know they are going to get.

The group fitness times are:
Monday 6am and 9.30am at my place
Wednesday 6am at my place
Wednesday 5pm at Jack pascoe reserve
Saturday 9.30am at Princes Park

Please remember to let me know you are coming. And to all those who want to come and try, your first session is FREE.

By the way, I went to a PUMP class this morning at the YMCA. It was really great for a change and I enjoyed it. Just remember that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone to get great results. Bring on the variety!!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New group fitness session time

I have had some requests for another early morning fitness session, so I am going to include another time on the schedule. Wednesday mornings at 6am at my place.

That brings the total of group session held each week to 5. The times are:

Monday 6am my place
Monday 9.30am my place
Wednesday 6am my place
Wednesday 5pm Jack Pascoe Reserve
Saturday 9.30am Princes Park

All sessions start promptly on time and are suitable for everyone from total beginners to the more advanced. You must book if you are coming the day ahead and cancel if you can't make it.

All clients signed up for group session packages can come to any or all of the above sessions as can online trainees who can attend for $5 per session. Please remember to book before you attend.

Come and try your first session for free, just let me know which session suits best and come with a drink and a towel.

Hope to see you soon


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Workout of the Day

Wednesday 21st October

Warm up with 50 Kettlebell swings (all exercises using 12kg KB unless otherwise stated) All below with no rests between

150 single arm KB swings
30 KB snatches
double alternating plank knee touches x 20
16kg KB squat x 20
20 KB snatches
10 x suitcase KB deadlift 16kg
20 x KB high pull
20 KB snatches
KB reverse lunge with twist and knee drive x 20
20 x KB sumo squat
20 KB snatches
20 x renegade row 12kg dumbells
20 x KB narrow stance squat
20 KB snatches
Sumo deadlift KB behind neck x 20
Lunge with KB figure 8 to hold x 40
Russian twist with KB 2 x 50
20 KB snatches

What did you do today, comment below


My Workout of the Day

Tuesday 20th October
RUN-on treadmill
10 minute warm up @10kph including 3 x 30sec stride outs
5 mins 12.6kph/5 mins 10kph
4 mins 12.6kph/4 mins 10kph
3 mins 12.6kph/3 mins 10kph
2 mins 12.6kph/2 mins 10kph
1 mins 12.6kph/1 mins 10kph

All done on level 3 incline
Cooldown 5 mins jog/walk

Use this blog as a way to keep accountable with your workouts. Let others know what an effort you are putting in. Click the 'comments' button below to add your workout


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Workout of the Day

Thursday-60 minute race pace run
Friday-5 exercise circuit,1 minute each exercise x 4 no rests
-high knees
-spiderman plank
-kettlebell deep squat
-kettlebell swings
-kettlebell russian twist

Saturday-14km aerobic run in the morning
5 exercise circuit in afternoon (with Greg)1 minute each x 4 no rests
-weighted fast step ups
-spiderman plank
-rope skipping fast
-overhead medicine ball throws
-russian twist with medicine ball

How have your workouts been going? Been doing them or still wondering why nothing is changing? Make the change today. Do something about it. Anyone can do this if you drop the excuses. Email me if you need some help joanne@fitterfasteronline.com or go to http://www.fitterfasteronline.com for more info.

Want to try a workout with me? Email me for a free training session joanne@fitterfasteronline.com


Friday, October 17, 2008

Free Fitness Training Session

Is it possible to train effectively without a fitness coach? Yes it is. Most definately you can work out and exercise without a fitness coach to help you.

But most people need the extra motivation that having a coach and a set appointment can provide.

Our bodies are very good at acclimatising to any stress placed upon it. That is how you get fitter. A correctly organised and progressive program will improve your fitness a lot quicker and get you to your goals sooner.

Want a fit, lean and firm body? Want more energy all day every day? Want to fit into the size you used to wear? Want a shapely butt and thighs, a flat stomach, what about washboard abs? Want to improve you sports performance, get faster, have more endurance? Want to achieve all this in the shortest possible time without getting injured or getting bored before you get there? This is where a Fitness Coach comes in.

There are many variables in a properly structured training plan:

Different exercises

Different variations and progressions of those exercises

Varying rest periods

Varying work periods

Numbers of sets

Numbers of repetitions

Changing resistance

Changing recovery periods (days off)

Order of exercises

Frequency of training

Different modes of training-cardio, strength etc

Overall volume of training

Different equipment use

Proper use and progression of all of the above variables will get the best results and will vary depending on your individual fitness level, goals, past injuries, time available, motivation and capabilities as well as your individual ability to absorb and recover from the training load placed on you.

I can design individual programs that are geared towards you and your circumstances. Programs that will get you the best results, no matter what your goals.

Come and try one of my group sessions at no cost and see what it is all about. The exercises within each session are geared to the individual's level whether you are a pure beginner or have been training for some time.

To book a free training session and get your free fitness assessment email me at joanne@fitterfasteronline.com What have you got to lose?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Workout of the day

Wednesday 15th October

Kettlebell circuit twice through- no rests Total 50-60 minutes
Turkish get upx 6
Alt clean and press x 20
Double bent over row x 20
Burpee/high pull/kb squat combination x 15
Figure 8 to hold x 30
Push up/Up and Downer combo x 15
Alt double clean x 30
Suitcase deadlift x 20
Alt chest press on floor x 20
russian twist x 50
Hi pull/snatch combo x 20
Seesaw press x 20
Figure 8 under lunge x 15 each leg
renegade row x 20
squat-triple crush x 15

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Workout of the day

Monday 13th-20 minutes abdominals circuit
Tuesday 14th-13km race pace plus run in morning and 20 minute kettlebell circuit in evening
Record your workouts in the comments below. It's great to keep a track of what you are doing to inspire yourself and others to fit something in everyday

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lost 2.4kg in first 10 days

I received this email yesterday from one of my nutrition and group fitness clients. She was happy for me to share it with you all.

"Well, without bragging Jo, thanks to you I have lost 2.4kg in the last 10 days!! So very excited about it. Can't wait until you measure me in a week or so time. This in it's self has given me so much determination I just want to keep going until I am satisfied that I have lost the weight that is needed to be lost and to have that general well being feeling that I have'nt had for a long time. So thankyou to you for helping me make these changes and look forward to seeing you on Monday at 9.30 sharp!! (Suey had better be up and ready!!) Eating plan going very well. Amanda"

I must stress though that this is a long term plan. Initial weight loss may come very quickly, and it is the long term maintainance of this fat loss that I am striving to help you all achieve. The healthy eating and exercise are lifelong habits that I am hopeing you will all adopt.


PS Thanks again to all who have faith in my systems. I know that they work and you are proving that they do, but only with committment and hard work from you.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Sunday 12th October 2008
My workout of the day
60 mins on bike at high aerobic pace followed by fast (for me) 6km run.

Easier recovery day today

Come on everyone, record what you did today by adding a comment below. Recording your workouts will keep you accountable and more likely to stick with it. You may even encourage someone else to get moving!


I am starting this new daily blog called Workout of the Day as a way of keeping accountable for my training. It would be a great idea if you also recorded your weekly workouts to keep yourself accountable and also to encourage others. So each day that you do a workout, hit the 'comments' button below my entry and record your own workout. Be as detailed or as brief as you like. Record your PBs or anything else. It has been proven that recording your workouts is a great way to maintain consistency with your fitness plan.

Here's mine for the day.

6am- kettlebell circuit twice through-spiderman planksx20/kb swingsx100/renegade rowsx20/Doubledeep front squatsx15/Feet raised russian twistx30/kb high pullx 30 Total time 25 mins

6.30am 14km aerobic run

9.30am 40 minute bootcamp session

This was an unusually hard training day.

For workout ideas you can do at home go here

Friday, October 10, 2008

Online Training Plans

Just a quick note that my online training program special price ends on Sunday at 11.59pm. The Online program includes all strength and cardio sessions for the full 8 weeks and full email support. Plans are updated and reviewed throughout the 8 weeks.
All online trainees also are entitled to attend any group fitness class for only $5- Times for group fitness classes can be found here

The special price of $60 expires on 12th October. Once you lock in at this price, further 8 week blocks can be purchased for the same low price. Email me if you have any questions.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fitness Coaching Costs Reduced

I've been thinking about our kids and their health and fitness. Why not provide programs for kids who want or need to join in. I have added prices for group fitness classes for students aged 10-16.

The prices will be as follows:
12 group (or bootcamp) sessions for $60
24 group (or bootcamp) sessions for $100

The kids 12 sessions package will have an expiry period of 10 weeks
The kids 24 seesions package will have an expiry period of 15 weeks

The class times are:
Monday 6am my place
Monday 9.30am my place
Wednesday 5pm Jack Pascoe Reserve
Saturday 9.30am Princes Park

These classes are great for kids. They can come to any time slot as long as they book. As you know Caitlin (aged 11) joins in often and loves it. I have seen her improve her strength considerably over the past couple of months while having fun. She joins in of her own accord. I have never once asked her to join me. We often train together at home. This type of training is great for all sports and things like energy breakthrough etc. It is also great if they don't do sports and just want to have some fun while improving their fitness.

A full price list can be found here

I will have this option up and running on my website later today. If you have any questions or comments use the link below or email me at joanne@fitterfasteronline.com

While on the subject, anyone following my healthy eating plan should not be cooking seperate meals for their family. What you are eating for tea, for instance, can and should be what you are serving to your loved ones. You can change their portion sizes of course and they will probably need some potato or rice etc with theirs (you will add this back to your meals in very small portions if you want when you reach your goal weight) Don't make this hard for yourself by cooking different things. Your whole family should be eating REAL foods too. It is not just you that should be getting healthier!

Monday, October 6, 2008

What are we eating?

I'm not the only one raving about eating real food. There is a plethora of information about it on the net. Here is a really short article about going to the supermarket.

"Look On Aisle 5 was written by Virginia Bola, PsyD from DietWithAnAttitude.com

Have you ever stopped to calculate how much time you spend in each section of the supermarket?

Apart from the non-food areas of drug store supplies, rubber goods, and diapers, most stores have about 10 distinct food areas: produce, dairy, meat, ethnic foods and pasta, canned foods, prepared foods, drinks, frozen foods, snacks, and deli.

The areas where most of our intake should focus, if we are watching our weight and our health, are always on the edges, against the wall: produce, meat, dairy. We can easily navigate through 80 or 90 percent of the store without bumping into them.

Next week, I’ll get vegetables, we promise, as we wade into the packaged and frozen foods that fit so much more neatly into our time-starved, rat-race lives. It is so much less time and trouble to microwave a plate than slow simmer or steam something, plus there’s all that cutting and chopping time we just can’t spare.

The frozen stuff doesn’t taste as good but luckily the manufacturers figured that out and added butter sauce or cheese sauce to give it more flavor, a few nuts or other crispy additions to add some snap – nothing is plain any more.

We stock up on packages loaded with chemicals we can’t even pronounce. We pick up bags of quick snacks with nary a nutrient in the bunch. We throw fluffy breads and crackers into our cart, knowing they are merely edible plates.

Ten years ago, I lived in a Korean neighborhood. I couldn’t read half of the market’s signs and ingredients but shopped there anyway because of the atmosphere, dominated by an enormous variety of produce that took up at least half the store’s space. Trying totally new, strange-looking roots and fruits was exciting: sometimes marvelous, occasionally vile.

We have taken our markets into the age of the superstores where everything is available but nothing is natural. What are we doing to our poor bodies? We feed them junk and then spend a fortune on trying to acquire the "natural" look. Fat chance (pun intentional)!"

There is more info about this at www.fitterfasteronline.com

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Is Your Newsletter Arriving?

Have you subscribed to the FitterFaster Newsletter yet?
This is a weekly newsletter containing new workouts, fitness tips, recipes and other ideas and information to help you get the body you dream of. If you have subscribed and have not been receiving your issues each Monday, please check your junk mail folder and add me to your safe senders list to ensure that you don't miss an issue. This is where I put my special offers as well, so don't miss them!

A special thanks to all who have signed up for Personal Fitness Coaching and/or Bootcamps already. To those who attended Saturday, don't forget to sign up with a friend for a 12 or 24 session package before Friday to receive 2 extra sessions each for no extra charge.

All Personal Fitness Coaching Packages include home workouts and unlimited email contacts.

Thanks again for your support


Looking forward to seeing all the shapely new bodies for summer