Don't forget that you can attend your first bootcamp session for free. So come and try FitterFaster out. Get into some high intensity conditioning workouts and don't put on any weight for once over this Christmas and New Year period. In fact you will most likely lose some. You never know you might enjoy it and if not, what have you got to lose? If you don't lose any cm's you get you money back-so who could argue with that??
If you do decide that you want to give it a go and lose some fat and get into great shape, visit www.fitterfasteronline.com for a great special price on a FitterFaster 24 session package deal. The offer only stands till Christmas Eve, so come along soon and have a go. This really works!! You will have more energy and feel great.
Group Bootcamp sessions are held:
Monday 6am at my place
Monday 9.30am at my place
Wednesday 6am at my place
Thursday 5pm at old Tech College Nolan St
Saturday 9.30am at Princes Park
If you want to give it a try, let me know via email joanne@fitterfasteronline.com, phone me, or send a message via Facebook
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