I did some more remeasures yesterday on 5 FitterFaster clients and recorded more great results. A total of 68cm was lost by these 5 people who have put in a great effort over the past 4 weeks.
Fiona lost 18.5cm, Brooke lost 10cm and 8kgs, Brit lost 16.5cm, Narelle lost another 14.5cm bringing her total lost to 39cm and Karin lost another 8.5cm bringing her total to 33.5cm lost.
These great results are an inspiration to every one of us. Well done!! If you would like to start losing cm's like these FitterFaster clients, go on over to www.fitterfasteronline.com and sign up before christmas for a great deal on Bootcamp prices.
Don't forget to keep up your fantastic training efforts over the Christmas/New Year period and you will avoid regaining any of those centimetres back. You will even continue to lose if you maintain you healthy diets for most of the time. Try to fit in an extra Bootcamp is you can each week and make sure that you train at least 5 days per week. In my last newsletter I talked about fitting in an extra 'mini' but intense training session especially on those days when you know you are going to eat more than you should. I have included a reprint of that session below.
Quick Metabolism Booster
Exercise | Manual-Notes (if any) | |||||||
1. Stand at foot of agility ladder or just stand in place. 2. Drive knee up towards chest and place that foot in first square or back on the ground. Drive other knee up and land in next square and so on down the ladder in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time. Trainer's comments: Lift those knees really high no matter how puffed you are getting |
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1. Start by placing feet shoulder width apart and holding your arms out in front of you. 2. Proceed to squat down like you are going to sit in a chair. Your upper body will lean forward slightly and your hips will shift backwards while going down. 3. Remember to keep your knees from going out in front of your toes while squatting. 4. Repeat according to your required repetitions. If you want to make the exercise more challenging hold your arms at your sides or behind your head. Trainer's comments: Go down nice and low. Keep your chest high |
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1. Start by getting on your hands and feet in a prone position. 2. Keeping your body parallel to ground drive your knees up towards your chest alternating back and forth. 3. Repeat this movement for the required number of seconds. Trainer's comments: 10 on each leg. Stretch back leg right out and bring front foot right under your chest |
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1. Start by lying on your back with your hands behind your back and thighs bent 90 degrees at your hip. 2. Simultaneously curl your right shoulder and left knee up towards the center of your body until your elbow and knee touch. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side. 3. Continuously repeat this pattern for the prescribed repetitions. Trainer's comments: 10 to each knee. Remember to bring your shoulder towards your knee, not your elbow |
At any time of the year you can add a short workout like this to your regular routine as a boost, but it is especially effective at the moment when you will probably consume all those things that I advise against like alcohol, nibblies and desserts. Just try to have very small portions and make sure that you eat normally and properly for the rest of the day.
If you can't make it to FitterFaster Bootcamp training sessions, you could have your own personalised online training program that includes descriptions and animations of all exercises like the ones above. The program will include all fat burning cardio workouts and all metabolism boosting strength circuits. You will have full email support and your workouts will be adjusted according to your progress and your goals. Go to online training programs for more info.
Keep up the good work ladies
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