Friday, October 17, 2008

Free Fitness Training Session

Is it possible to train effectively without a fitness coach? Yes it is. Most definately you can work out and exercise without a fitness coach to help you.

But most people need the extra motivation that having a coach and a set appointment can provide.

Our bodies are very good at acclimatising to any stress placed upon it. That is how you get fitter. A correctly organised and progressive program will improve your fitness a lot quicker and get you to your goals sooner.

Want a fit, lean and firm body? Want more energy all day every day? Want to fit into the size you used to wear? Want a shapely butt and thighs, a flat stomach, what about washboard abs? Want to improve you sports performance, get faster, have more endurance? Want to achieve all this in the shortest possible time without getting injured or getting bored before you get there? This is where a Fitness Coach comes in.

There are many variables in a properly structured training plan:

Different exercises

Different variations and progressions of those exercises

Varying rest periods

Varying work periods

Numbers of sets

Numbers of repetitions

Changing resistance

Changing recovery periods (days off)

Order of exercises

Frequency of training

Different modes of training-cardio, strength etc

Overall volume of training

Different equipment use

Proper use and progression of all of the above variables will get the best results and will vary depending on your individual fitness level, goals, past injuries, time available, motivation and capabilities as well as your individual ability to absorb and recover from the training load placed on you.

I can design individual programs that are geared towards you and your circumstances. Programs that will get you the best results, no matter what your goals.

Come and try one of my group sessions at no cost and see what it is all about. The exercises within each session are geared to the individual's level whether you are a pure beginner or have been training for some time.

To book a free training session and get your free fitness assessment email me at What have you got to lose?

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