Hi everyone
What do you want to achieve in 2009. I must say that I think New Years Resolutions are a bit of a crock. I think putting something off till January 1st is a waste of all the time that you have before then. I think when you want to achieve something no matter how big or small, you should get to work on it right now. But seeing as New Years Day is so close, let's have a think about where you are headed.
Do you want to lose body fat? How much? Do you want to fit into a smaller clothes size? What size? Your goals must be measurable, or how will you know when you get there?
Do you want to be able to run 5kms without stopping? Or do 5 chinups in a row? Do you want to be able to get through every Bootcamp workout with resting?
Do you want to be able to see your abdominal muscles, or be able to wear sleeveless tops again? Do you want to make it habit to exercise 6 times per week? What about avoiding junk food 6 days a week?
Of course there are many other worthwhile goals such as travel, building, work related etc, but I am mainly concerned with health and fitness goals here. More often than not though, once you achieve a goal such as losing weight, you are much more likely to be able to achieve other goals as well. It is very empowering. Physical goals have a way of helping you mentally and spiritually as well.
Many clients have said that attending Bootcamp and working on their physical selves has put them in a much better place mentally as well. Loads of studies have proven the benefits of exercise for depression and other mental illnesses.
So have a think about what you want to achieve and get to work on it right now. Don't wait another minute. Get your sneakers on and go do one of the free workouts on my website www.fitterfasteronline.com
If you are reading this at work, do it as soon as you get home. The 15 minutes it will take will not make any difference to that long list of stuff you have do get done. Don't let yourself come up with a single excuse. That's what they are you know, those reasons, they are just excuses that you could work around if you tried to. If you don't think so, send me your reason and I will help you.
Come and join us at Bootcamp for a real boost to your energy levels. Working in the group really helps with motivation. Remember my offer to try Bootcamp as many times as you like before New Years Day for free.
Times over the christmas period are as follows:
Tuesday 23rd 9.30am
Tuesday 23rd 5.30pm
Wednesday 24th 6am
Friday 26th 9.30am
Saturday 27th 9.30am
Monday 29th 6am
Monday 29th 9.30am
Tuesday 30th 5.30pm
Wednesday 31st 6am
Saturday 3rd 9.30am
All Bootcamps over the school holidays will be held at my place except the Saturday morning ones which will be at Princes Park if cool or in the Lions Park in Park Rd if very hot (to take advantage of the shade)
Please let me know if you would like to attend any of these Bootcamp workouts at no cost and with no obligation to sign up. Go on, get your calendar out right now and decide which ones you can attend. What have you got to lose and what are you waiting for. NO EXCUSES-JUST RESULTS
Have a great christmas. And don't forget that a Fitterfaster Bootcamp package makes a great christmas gift for yourself or a loved one.
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