29cm in 8 weeks and 16cm in 4 weeks are the latest results from Fitterfaster clients. Congratulations to Amanda and Tania on these fantastic results. You have both been putting in such a great effort.
It can be very hard to stick to your good intentions especially at this time of the year. Just try to reduce the damage as best you can. For instance, if you have a big party, dinner or whatever coming up on the weekend, don't say "oh well I will get back on track Monday." Stay on track for the weekend, and just go overboard for the one meal. Eat well for the rest of the day and the day after. Don't write off the whole weekend for the sake of a couple of hours. One bad meal will not ruin the whole week, but a whole weekend of bingeing will do lots of damage. Remember it is all those weekends put together that got you where you are now.
Why not start your fitness, new body journey before the christmas chaos hits, and continue it through the holiday period. And the same rules for your eating apply here too. A couple of days off from your workouts will not hurt, but a week or more will have you heading very quickly back to where you started.
Check out the fitness packages at FitterFasterOnline and shout yourself one for christmas. They also make a great gift for a loved one. What better gift than improved health and well being?? Gift vouchers are also available for any amount.
Jo Butler
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