A special message to all the local guys today.
I am thinking about running a free training session over the school holidays for anyone interested. I will need to know some numbers, so if you are keen to give it a try, please add a comment below, or email me at joanne@fitterfasteronline.com Possibly thinking about making it Saturday 27th September at about 10am (yes you will have heaps of time to get home for the grand final) or alternatively one day next week in the morning. Please let me know your preference, so I can try to suit as many as possible.
The session will go for about 50 minutes and all you will need to bring is a drink and a towel. I will probably hold it at Princes Park or the Hockey oval, so you can bring your kids if you need to. Please remember that they will be your responsibility though, so you may want to leave them at home if you can to get the most from the session. Kids will need to stay away from the immediate training area, but will be able to stay on the oval.
Please let me know if you want to come and let your friends and family know too. Feel free to bring along someone as long as I know numbers, that will be fine.
Looking forward to hearing from you all. This is your chance to take that first step.
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