Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bootcamp and making healthy choices when eating out

Have you checked out my free workouts? Have you tried them? You can even invent your own based on the same principles. If you need more inspiration and some new ideas, keep returning to http://www.fitterfasteronline.com/ as I am adding new workouts all the time. If you live in the Maryborough Victoria area in Australia, maybe you would like to join me for some one on one training. Or perhaps you have a friend or two that would like to train together.

I am starting up bootcamp style training soon also, this will be heaps of fun and is a great way to boost your fat burning potential and to get super fit in a different sort of setting.

In the meantime, check out this article written by Craig Ballentine which talks about the dangers of eating out on your healthy eating plan and how to avoid eating enough for one or two days in one sitting.

The 1000 Calorie Diet Tip

If you eat at restaurants, it's easy to eat over 1500 or 2000calories per meal. Yikes! That's a full day's worth of calories in one dinner...

Pre-dinner bread & butter -> 200 calories

Pre-dinner cocktail -> 150 calories

Appetizer -> This could be a 500-1500 calorie bomb on it's own!

Steak -> 300-500 calories

Potato -> 150-300 calories

Vegetable -> 100 calories

Dinner Drink -> 150 calories

Dessert - 300-750 calories

After Dinner Drink - 150

And that's only if you CONTROL yourself. If you go on a rampage,you could be looking at 2500 or even 3000 calories in one sitting. Those numbers are scary.
Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this dietary nightmare whiledining out.

Here are 5 rules to cut 1000 calories from your dining-out diet...

1) Plan ahead and avoid restaurants that offer huge portions.

2) Skip the bread. It won't stop you from eating your full mealanyways, so just send it back.

3) No booze or liquid calories of any type.

4) No potates. Stick to your protein and your vegetables.

5) Reward yourself with only the tiniest bit of dessert, if at all.

It's all about taking responsibility for your choices. And yes,choosing between the "Pain of discoipline or pain of regret". What'syour choice?

For more diet and exercise tips, visit:

Turbulence Training

How about that food for thought. As I always say, it is your choice.

Keep doing what you have always done and you will keep getting what you have always got.

Make the right choices and you will soon have the lean, strong, fit body that you want. It's not always easy, but it is always worth it!!

Till next time


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