Well it's a new year and time for a fresh start. Have you set up your calendar yet? (refer previous blogpost) This one idea will really help you to stay on track if you don't cheat and get started.
A big congrats goes to all the FitterFaster Bootcampers who have been putting in a fantastic effort over the past months. We have had several new Bootcampers start up in the last week or so as well which is great to see. Word is spreading. Results are coming. Everyone is getting fitter, stronger, leaner, they have better balance, more flexibility, more endurance and are feeling more energetic. They have begun to lose many cm's with the average loss so far being around 30cm in 8 weeks.
Another very important piece of the health and fat loss puzzle is your nutrition. You cannot out-train a bad diet. Too much sugar and alcohol cannot be overcome by exercising. Cruel I know, but best results will come to those who change the way they think about what they are consuming on a daily basis. Here are my basic tips for improving your nutrition. These are the first and vital steps you must take to get results. I will expand the list in future blogs, but get these things under control first.
1. Cut down on breads, pastas, pastries, cakes, biscuits, wraps, rice, cereals, museli or breakfast/health bars, etc. This includes multi grain and wholemeal varieties. These foods are processed!!! Since when did a loaf of bread grow on a tree? Try to limit these foods to one serve of wholemeal or multigrain per day. Once serve is a slice of bread or 1 cup of cooked pasta. Remember Grains are not my friends.
2. Eat protein everytime that you eat. This will stabilise the blood sugar/insulin response and also supply quality nutrients that you body needs for complete health. Protein is found in meats, fish, eggs, whey powder and also yoghurt. Nuts and seeds also contain small amounts of protein. Limit yoghurt to 1 serve a day of full cream (do not choose diet or low fat)
3. Eat fruits and/or vegetables at every meal or snack. Most of every meal and snack should be made up of fruits and vegetables. There is no limit to the amount of these that you can eat except limit yourself to 1 small potato each day. Remember rule 2 and combine with protein.
4. Drink only water or tea or coffee. This includes cutting down on alcohol. There are a million reasons to stop drinking every or nearly every day. Even one drink begins a cascade of bad reactions in your body. Many of which also slow or reverse your fat loss efforts as well as effecting your health. Limit yourself to 2 days per week where you consume alcohol. By the way, cut out soft drinks, cordials and fruit juices as well. And skip those lattes and flat whites from the cafe. They are both almost all milk-refer no. 5
5. Cut out milk and if you can cheese too. Limit milk to a tiny amount in coffee or tea. It is for baby cows, not humans. We are the only animal that drinks milk beyond infancy and look at our state of health compared to other species. They may be onto something.
6. Eat every 2-3 hours. Yes don't go more than 3 hours without eating.
7. Include small serves of nuts and seeds in your diet every day.
8. Stop having take away. Cooking a meal from scratch really doesn't take long.
9. If it came in a packet, or has a list of ingredients, stop eating it!!
10. Once per week, eat something you love and disregard all the rules.
11. Exercise every day. You can find plenty of info about this in past blog posts and at www.fitterfasteronline.com
Sticking to these rules will get you well on the way to a healthy and lean body. Every rule is important and although sticking to one or two of them will help, you will never reach your full potential without improving your whole diet.
Until you follow these rules every day, you do not need to worry about serving sizes or quantities of carbs or protein etc. Stick to eating real, non-processed foods and it will make a huge difference. Stop worrying about calories and carbs and get healthy food into you. Don't worry about the latest supplement of weight loss pill or drink. These basic rules will increase your fat loss much more than any of these ever will despite the advertising promises
FitterFaster clients have the opportunity to have their diets analysed and critiqued by me before January 10th. Simply record everything you eat, drink or inhale for 2-3 days and send it through to me either by commenting below or by emailing me at joanne@fitterfasteronline.com
I will have a close look at it and provide ideas, changes and advice for you completely free of charge and with no obligations attached. I really want you all to be able to achieve all of your goals so I want to give you all the help I can.
Make sure that you do not change anything that you normally do for the next 2 days while you record your intake. It is important to get real life examples so that we can work out ways around what you really do. If you try to make it look good, you will not learn ways to improve your daily habits properly so be honest and record everything including the times that you eat it. Best results will be recorded if you carry a pen and paper with you and write it down as you consume it rather that trying to remember it all later in the day.
Take advantage of this whether you are a new client or have been coming for a while. Clients who have purchased nutrition plans in the past should also do this to get you back on track and make sure you are still headed in the right direction. And don't just think that this is for weight loss only. Health improvements are not possible without a healthy diet.
And don't forget that the 30 session package will come off the website on Monday evening. This is your last chance to purchase this package. Results are guaranteed too, so if you don't lose cm's you get your money back
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