Hi guys
Anyone going to get me to have a look at your current nutrition? All current FitterFaster clients have the opportunity to record their food and drink intake for 2-3 days, email it through to me and I will take a look and give suggestions for improvement. Don't miss out on this.
I usually charge for a full nutrition plan, and although I will not be sending through a full menu plan, you will definately be able to use the information to clean up your every day dietary habits and in the process improve you health, reduce risk of many common diseases and conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, allergies (to name a few) and lose bodyfat if that is your goal.
I will give you ideas where you could make improvements and show you healthier alternatives to your current intake if needed. Eating a healthy diet is an every day, for the rest of your life thing. It is not deprivation or being hungry all the time. It is not something you do for a while and then go back to your old habits. If you do that, you will end up right back where you started-after all that is what got you there in the first place. There is room for treats and special occasion foods in everyones nutritional plan. But I think that is one of the major problems with most peoples diets. The occasional treat turns into just a bit of this for morning tea wont hurt. I'll just have this little treat with lunch because I had such a healthy lunch. Just a small serve for afternoon tea wont hurt and goodness knows what is served up for tea as we are bombarded with so many contradicting ideas of what is healthy and what is not.
And it doesn't matter if you have certain likes, dislikes, allergies or food preferences, there is still healthy eating for everyone's needs. In fact everyone needs it. Symptoms may not be showing yet, but an unhealthy diet is killing you.
Make sure that you include everything that you consume. All food, drinks, snacks, tastes, nibbles, supplements, anything that goes in your mouth. Also include times that you eat the foods and quantities if you can. At least guestimate quantities if you haven't measured stuff. Measurements like about 1 cup or 100g are good, saying a small serve is not helpful as small to you and me may be very different. Brand names are helpful too.
Come on, I will not be sharing this info with anyone. I've been there. It has taken me a long time to clean up my diet. I know how hard it is. I am living this every day. I have good and bad days and good and bad weeks, but I know what works and it isn't hard. I will also be able to use you examples as examples for everyone else in future newsletters etc. But don't worry I will not name anyone or anything like that.
I know a few of you are busy recording everything, so I will give you till the end of next week to get it through to me seeing as I am going to be away later next week anyway.
What have you got to lose? (parden the pun)
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