Hi everyone
Just a short post today to let you know that I am swapping my blog from 'blogger' which is here to 'wordpress'
Please head over to my new blog called fitterfaster.wordpress.com and sign up to receive all my posts via email. There is a box on the right hand side that makes this an easy one step process.
I will not be posting here at fitterfasteronline.blogspot.com in the future, all my posts will be made at fitterfaster.wordpress.com
I am making this change to take advantage of the many options that wordpress offers that are not available at blogger.
Please head over there now to resubscribe so you don't miss out on any information. You will see I have already written a couple of posts-"omega-3's" and another post about the importance of putting into action your plans to improve your health and weight and ways to do that.
Other posts that I have planned for the next few weeks, include 'more easy ways to increase your metabolism,'how to make your walking workouts more effective,'recipes,'meal planning and preparation, and many more. Of course the wordpress blog will also keep FitterFaster Bootcampers and Greatest Loser Challengers up to date with everything they need to know about FitterFaster.
Go here now to subscribe
Monday, February 23, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Walking as exercise

Hi Bootcampers
Many of you have enjoyed walking for fitness in the past. Dedicated to your daily routine, you have spent 40 minutes, maybe an hour or walked a steady 5 or 8 kms each day. Day in day out you have been doing the miles. What results did you see?
Has the fat melted off your body? Has your strength and endurance improved? Hmmmm.....
Many of you have asked if walking is part of the Greatest Loser or FitterFaster program. Yes and no. As a tool to improve your fitness levels and increase your metabolism-no not really. Walking may be a great way to fill in time or to catch up with a friend, keep you pet happy or to get from A to B. But as a part of your fitness routine, you could find much better ways to spend your time.
I am not going to tell you to stop walking altogether. If you enjoy it and if it helps you to destress, by all means keep it up. If you enjoy catching up with a friend or friends, please continue to do so. We all need down time. I am going to give you some ideas of ways to improve your walking time though. Why not turn your walks into productive metabolism boosting time?
And remember, if you are a FitterFaster Greatest Loser, walks (even modified as below) do not count towards you 5 weekly sessions for bonus points. Only FitterFaster Home Workouts and FitterFaster Bootcamps count.
Walk for 5-10 minutes to warm up
Sprint-yes sprint for about 30 seconds (or 60-80 steps)
Walk again for 3-5 minutes
Sprint again as above.
Walk again for 3-5 minutes
REPEAT for the duration of your walk or for about 10 sprints.
Make sure that the final 5 minutes or so is walking only.
You may like to time the 30 seconds or just count steps, or run from one corner to the next. Whichever you choose, you should be huffing and puffing at the end of each sprint segment for this to work. Start off with walks of 5 minutes and reduce them to 3 minutes in steps as your fitness improves.
Try this. Don't worry about who is watching. Most people are wishing they could do it too. Believe me! Think about what you thought when you saw someone working out hard before you joined FitterFaster. Did you think they looked silly, or did you wish you could do it?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Revisting the stretching debate

The stretching issue has been raised again by a few new members, so I thought I would republish this post as a bit of an explanation. Please feel free to ask for more info at Bootcamp or on the forum.
Sometimes I am asked if stretching during warm up or after a workout is necessary. All the research tells us that is DOES NOT PREVENT INJURY OR DECREASE MUSCLE SORENESS. Yes it feels good at the time. But it does not prevent injuries. Some injuries are actually worsened by stretching.
Static stretching before a workout or as part of a warm up is an outdated tradition that has been proven to actually decrease strength and co-ordination during the subsequent training session, which may even contribute to an injury. Static stretching is not used anymore in elite sports as part of a warm up. These people know their stuff. They know the research.
What about stretching afterwards? Well as previously stated, it has never been proven to lessen or decrease the risk of injury. Stretching has been proven to increase flexibility if undertaken regularly however. But on all questionaires and surveys that have been completed by my clients, not one has stated increased flexibility as a goal for their training.
If you have time to stretch after a workout, it will not do any harm, unless you further aggravate any pre-existing injuries. It even feels really good to stretch after a workout. So I repeat, if you have time, do it if it makes you feel good.
I prefer to spend an extra 5-10 minutes on productive tasks that get me and my clients closer to their goals-namely improving fitness, losing body fat, increasing strength and adding muscle mass. I usually include some kind of dynamic stretching in my warm ups eg. wide side stepping, easy squats (yes you are stretching those muscles,) windmills, twists etc. I feel that these serve to 'wake up' the body especially if the training session is held shortly after getting out of bed. I never do static stretching in a warm up.
I also do a cool down after a session by walking till the breath has returned to normal and sweating has ceased-usually about 3-5 minutes depending on the last activity performed. Also, some exercises such as lunges and deep squats serve to stretch the leg muscles in a much more productive way than static stretching. I often include them towards or at the end of a workout. You will rarely stretch your muscles with static stretching as efficiently as you will in a deep squat or lunge exercise or while carrying a weigh overhead or doing full pushups chest to the ground (think shoulder flexibility)
I hope this has helped to clear up some of the confusion out there and to explain why I do not usually include static stretching in most of my Bootcamp workouts. Most participants have improved their flexibility by an amazing amount since they started, just by going further and further into the different exercises. It is one of the first things I see improving in all of you.
I carefully plan each workout to include a good mix of upper and lower body strength work and cardio work depending on my goals for the session. I aim to promote fat burning and metabolism enhancing activities depending on the individuals needs while gradually and progressively improving the fitness, strength, endurance and balance of everyone. Workouts are often changed on the spur of the moment too, to accomodate different levels and abilities. All of this is done using a variety of activities and tools to keep you all interested and prevent boredom as we all know that consistency and committment together with the correct training methods are what will help us all get to where we want to be.
My workouts are challenging, but achievable. If you are looking for a quick fix and are not willing to put in the effort, please look elsewhere. Now who wants to get rid of that spare tyre?
If you have any comments about this or any other matter regarding my Bootcamp workouts, please comment below or send me an email joanne@fitterfasteronline.com
I will be only too willing to answer your questions.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sugar Can Damage Your Genes
Human genes remember a sugar hit for two weeks. What’s more, prolonged poor eating habits could be capable of permanently altering your DNA.
A team studying the impact of diet on heart tissue found that cells showed the effects of a single sugar hit for 14 days. The cells switched off genetic controls designed to protect the body against diabetes and heart disease.
Regular poor eating could amplify the effect, with genetic damage lasting months or years, and potentially passing through bloodlines.
Journal of Experimental Medicine September 2008, 29;205(10):2409-17
Tehran Times January 18, 2009
the above article was taken from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/12/Your-Genes-Remember-a-Sugar-Hit.aspx
Remember that to our bodies all carbohydrates are sugar. So this includes so many things that we eat-bread, pasta, lollies, cakes, biscuits, wraps, potatoes, etc. But no, I am not telling you to avoid sugar, after all fruits and vegies are also fairly high in carbohydrates, but these foods have less of an impact due to the other things they contain, such as fibre. Note in the article above, it says 'sugar hit' Some foods provide more of a 'hit' than others.
Continuous poor eating can actually change the way your genes behave and this can be passed down through generations. Healthy eating is not a '12 week' thing. It must be permanent. It's not something you do just to get to your ideal weight. You have to change your thinking. If you go back to the things you were doing, you will go right back to where you were. After all, that is how you got there in the first place. And now we are finding out about all the other ways that unhealthy eating is affecting us that we can't even see.
It's time to do something about it-No Excuses, Just Results
A team studying the impact of diet on heart tissue found that cells showed the effects of a single sugar hit for 14 days. The cells switched off genetic controls designed to protect the body against diabetes and heart disease.
Regular poor eating could amplify the effect, with genetic damage lasting months or years, and potentially passing through bloodlines.
Journal of Experimental Medicine September 2008, 29;205(10):2409-17
Tehran Times January 18, 2009
the above article was taken from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/12/Your-Genes-Remember-a-Sugar-Hit.aspx
Remember that to our bodies all carbohydrates are sugar. So this includes so many things that we eat-bread, pasta, lollies, cakes, biscuits, wraps, potatoes, etc. But no, I am not telling you to avoid sugar, after all fruits and vegies are also fairly high in carbohydrates, but these foods have less of an impact due to the other things they contain, such as fibre. Note in the article above, it says 'sugar hit' Some foods provide more of a 'hit' than others.
Continuous poor eating can actually change the way your genes behave and this can be passed down through generations. Healthy eating is not a '12 week' thing. It must be permanent. It's not something you do just to get to your ideal weight. You have to change your thinking. If you go back to the things you were doing, you will go right back to where you were. After all, that is how you got there in the first place. And now we are finding out about all the other ways that unhealthy eating is affecting us that we can't even see.
It's time to do something about it-No Excuses, Just Results
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
We have Men!!
There are only a few hours left to get your entry into the FitterFaster Greatest Loser Competition. We have 28 entrants including some men, so if you know any fellas that have been thinking about it but thought it was only for ladies, let them know that they will have company. After all, it's not just us ladies who need to be thinking about improving our health now is it?
After several questions about artificial sweeteners I have also included this link which goes to an article about artificial sweeteners and how they actually cause weight gain. I will write about this and the other bad side effects of artificial sweeteners very soon, in the meantime, go here to find out more
After several questions about artificial sweeteners I have also included this link which goes to an article about artificial sweeteners and how they actually cause weight gain. I will write about this and the other bad side effects of artificial sweeteners very soon, in the meantime, go here to find out more
Monday, February 9, 2009
Want to know what your bodyfat percentage is?

Hi again everyone
Just letting you all know that I have purchased a Maltron Body Fat Unit. This state of the art device will accurately measure your body fat and hydration levels among other things. The Unit should arrive this week, so if you have entered the Greatest Loser Challenge, you will automatically get your body fat measured.
Otherwise, the cost will be $30 for a full bodyfat analysis or you can get it done for free with any Bootcamp Package of at least 12 sessions purchased from now on.
I am so excited about this. For those who have been disappointed by movements or lack there of on the scales even though they have achieved great cm losses, this will show you how you are losing body fat.
And by the way, we have 22 entrants in the Greatest Loser Challenge. I have extended the entry closing date to Wednesday 11th Feb, so make sure you don't miss out.
bodyfat measurements
Sunday, February 8, 2009
FitterFaster Biggest Loser Competition Update

Hi everyone,
sorry its been so long, but I have been so busy getting the FitterFaster Greatest Loser Packs together.
We also had a great weekend in Geelong, but I think Greg was getting sick of my writing everytime we had some 'down' time. I was busy dreaming up challenges, bonuses and temptations as well as working out teams and thinking of more prizes. Greg has even decided to donate $100 to the winner of the final challenge to be held on final weigh in day. I will give you more details closer to the date. In the meantime, keep Sunday 15th free from about 2.30-3pm onwards. That is when I will be getting you all together for your initial weigh in and to give out you Greatest Loser Packs.
We are up to 19 entrants so far in the FitterFaster Greatest Loser Competition. I am so excited. If you have been intending to enter, you had better hurry, because if I haven't received your entry by tomorrow morning (Tuesday 10th) you have missed out.
I did some great workouts while away too. I didn't take any equipment, but still did the best training I have done for a long time. Loads of sprints, walking lunges, stair runs, jump squats, push ups, abs stuff and more. I think my legs may be sore in the morning. Caitlin even joined my one morning for part of my workout, and I even did some running with a certain Geelong football player- well actually he was miles ahead of me and the others, we had no hope of keeping up, but I did talk to him when he finally stopped.
So I will see you at Bootcamp this week
Monday, February 2, 2009
Greatest Loser Comp Update

Okay guys, we have 8 confirmed entrants in the FitterFaster Greatest Loser Competition. Don't forget to get your entry in before February 9th. Only fully paid up entrants will be eligible to enter the competition and win the prizes.
I am in the process of putting together the FitterFaster Greatest Loser Packs which will include a full nutrition plan, home workouts, supplement recommendations, progress records, workout records and more.
This is going to be the ultimate package to help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals. Everyone who follows the plan will lose fat and get fitter than you have ever been before.
Make sure that you let me know you want to enter if you are currently a FitterFaster client, or if you haven't signed up yet, please make sure that you do so asap. At least fill out the form at www.fitterfasteronline.com which will enable you to complete my questionaire and waiver form just in case we need any medical clearance before you start.
What are you waiting for. Sign up now and get into the best shape of your life.
greatest loser competition
5 Things You Should Do Today for Better Results

Don't eat chips or wedges Pretty simple. Just don't cook them at home. When out, always yes always when ordering ask for no chips or wedges orfries. If you forget, they will come and no amount of will power will stop you from nibbling. Ask for extra vegetables or salad instead. This is something I always do.
Drink more water Try to drink at least 1.5 litres of water each and every day. More if training. I always find that on days when I have not consumed enough water, I get a lot more cravings and find it harder to resist.
Exercise with intensity every day okay this one actually takes some effort, but will also give you the most rewards. Getting and staying fit is crucial if you want to lose fat and more importantly keep it off! IF YOU WANT TO LOOK FIT YOU HAVE TO BE FIT!
Get up half and hour earlier sorry, but this one really helps with number 3. Enough said.
Don't go more than 3 hours without eating I know I've said this a hundred times, but it really works. You will be surprised how quickly 3 hours goes by and you find yourself thinking-'is it time to eat again already?'
There you have it-5 things you can do today that will make a huge difference. Each one on it's own will make a difference, but combined the difference will be amazing. Make a decision now to make all 5 new rules in your life.
Let me know how you go
Jo Butler
PS Did you know you can subscribe to my blog updates by email. Just add your email address to the link at right.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Must do: Food Journals
If you want to improve your eating habits and lose weight, you absolutely must keep a food journal. Why?
Well for one it will keep you accountable to yourself. It is surprising how having to write it down will actually stop you having it in the first place.
Secondly, you can use the entries to target where you are going wrong. Sometimes we just don't realise that we are eating too much or too little, both of which can slow our fat loss down.
Thirdly, you can use your journals with a partner or coach (say me) and review each others' entries each week. Knowing that you have to show someone else, can help a lot too.
You wont need to keep the journal forever either unless you want to. I know some people love to record everything (not thinking of anyone in particular) But keeping the food journal for a few weeks every now and again can help break you out of those habits. Habits like having to have something sweet before bed or for afternoon tea. These really are just habits-you aren't really hungry. And remember, your body doesn't reward you for being 'good' all day and then having rubbish later as a reward. It is all calories to your body no matter when you eat them or how 'good' you have been the rest of the time.
This tactic is going to play a major part of the FitterFaster Greatest Loser Competition. I am going to ask you to record your intake at the Forum at least every second day to make you accountable. Believe me, this really really works. I do it if I start to get off track and it brings me right back into the good habits again.
Start on your journal right now. You don't need heaps of detail like how many grams of carbs or protein or whatever. Just record what it is and the serving size. The time you ate it is also important. Oh and you have to record everything-that one square of choccy, that spoonful of icecream, that couple of tastes of tea as you cooked it!!
Start now in a blank notebook, or go to fitterfaster.ning.com/ and start a new discussion called "Jo's Food Journal" (insert your name instead of mine) then each day, you can add to the discussion. How's that for keeping accountable-it will be there for all to see. This will work for you. Try it even for just one week!
I'm waiting to see who does this
Well for one it will keep you accountable to yourself. It is surprising how having to write it down will actually stop you having it in the first place.
Secondly, you can use the entries to target where you are going wrong. Sometimes we just don't realise that we are eating too much or too little, both of which can slow our fat loss down.
Thirdly, you can use your journals with a partner or coach (say me) and review each others' entries each week. Knowing that you have to show someone else, can help a lot too.
You wont need to keep the journal forever either unless you want to. I know some people love to record everything (not thinking of anyone in particular) But keeping the food journal for a few weeks every now and again can help break you out of those habits. Habits like having to have something sweet before bed or for afternoon tea. These really are just habits-you aren't really hungry. And remember, your body doesn't reward you for being 'good' all day and then having rubbish later as a reward. It is all calories to your body no matter when you eat them or how 'good' you have been the rest of the time.
This tactic is going to play a major part of the FitterFaster Greatest Loser Competition. I am going to ask you to record your intake at the Forum at least every second day to make you accountable. Believe me, this really really works. I do it if I start to get off track and it brings me right back into the good habits again.
Start on your journal right now. You don't need heaps of detail like how many grams of carbs or protein or whatever. Just record what it is and the serving size. The time you ate it is also important. Oh and you have to record everything-that one square of choccy, that spoonful of icecream, that couple of tastes of tea as you cooked it!!
Start now in a blank notebook, or go to fitterfaster.ning.com/ and start a new discussion called "Jo's Food Journal" (insert your name instead of mine) then each day, you can add to the discussion. How's that for keeping accountable-it will be there for all to see. This will work for you. Try it even for just one week!
I'm waiting to see who does this
food journals
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Why Isnt the Scale Moving?

Why is it taking so long for the weight to come off? This is a very common question that I hear a lot. If you have been following your program on and off and only making half an effort, the answer is clear, but what about if you have been doing all your workouts and watching what you eat? How come the scales are not reflecting the effort you are making? Fitterfaster clients are losing cm's big time, but the scale is sometimes slow to show results.
There are several reasons for this. Let me explain. I am going to keep this basic by the way. I can refer you to many great physiology books if you want further info.
1. First of all, if you begin a program of resistance training like lifting weights or participating in FitterFaster Bootcamps, you will be gaining muscle straight away. Muscle gains come rapidly at first especially if you have come from doing very little or no exercise to suddenly training hard and often. So the muscle weight causes your weight to actually go up. Muscles also store glycogen (for use as energy) and with every gram of glycogen stored, there are several grams of water stored as well with it. So more muscle equals more glycogen and more water. There is more weight on the scales, but don't worry, it is fat-free weight that you are gaining.
2. Regular cardiovascular exercise also causes your blood volume to rise. And guess what, that also equals more weight. (Intense cardio exercise like we do at Bootcamp causes your blood volume to rise much more quickly than so-called 'fat-burning zone' cardio)
3. There is so much good stuff going on inside your body as you increase your fitness level. Your good enzymes increase, your mitochondria (energy makers) multiply, your cholesterol falls, your arteries clear and your blood vessels become more elastic. Your bone density also increases (more weight again) and all these things distort the progress you are making and show that the scale really is an ineffective way to measure your progress.
4. Lastly, if you have been sedentary for a long time, your fat has probably not seen any circulation for just as long. It will be blubbery and possibly hard, so it will take some effort to get the blood circulating properly again. Increased activity especially intense activity like FitterFaster Bootcamps forces changes in your bodies circulation including an increase in capilliaries to get oxygen and fuel to your muscles more efficiently. Have you wondered why you have that pink look for ages after a good training session? Once your circulation gets sorted out properly, the extra blood near the surface (for cooling) will also disapate more quickly.
5. So what is going on in regards to fat loss? Fat is stored in lots of places in your body-some more obvious than others! Fat is stored within your muscles and around your organs as well as under your skin where you can see and feel it. Exercise tends to draw from the intramuscular fat first which is why your muscles start to feel firmer and less squidgy even before the scales show anything. Next comes the fat from around your organs and this is a good thing as it is this fat that is the most dangerous to your health.
6. Last but not least, comes the subcutaneous fat. That's the fat we hate, the fat we can feel and see. After a while on a good training program the muscle gains will slow down. Ask anyone who has been training for some time how hard it is to gain some muscle. Without taking hormones or steroids, extra muscle becomes hard to come by, so when that weight increase slows down, the scales will begin to move downward more quickly reflecting your fat loss more accurately.
For most people, the initial weight loss shown on the scales will underestimate their fat loss. There is lots going on inside you body as you increase not only your health, but your metabolism as well.
For very overweight or obese people the initial drop of weight by the scales will probably overestimate their fat loss.
So don't be disheartened if the scales don't seem to reflect all the effort you are putting in. Just concentrate on what YOU CAN DO TODAY to produce great results and that is eat the correct foods in the correct quantities and continue with not only your Bootcamp training sessions, but supplement them with the FitterFaster Home Workouts as well.
Think also about the improvements you are making to your fitness levels. Think about how much more energy you have now than before. Remember Tania and Debbie when you couldn't do even one push up on your knees and now you can push up on your toes. Remember Sue and Narelle how you struggled with the 30 second cardio intervals and now you can go on and on. What about how sore you used to be after every training session Gaylene, Brooke and Greta? How you could hardly walk Mandy and Betina and how difficult it was to make it through the whole workout Cheryl even though you had been doing some training already? Concentrate on improving your bodies' performance and the rest will come on it's own. Try to go for longer, to go further, go faster, do more repetitions and lift more and all of the above changes happening inside your body will work towards improving your appearance in time.
I could have called this business 'Jo's Weight Loss Centre' or something, but I called it 'FitterFaster' for good reason. I want you to all get Fitter and Faster and Stronger and the rest will take care of itself. So be proud of yourselves for the great effort you are putting in. I am! I am finding this so rewarding as I see not only your fitness improving, but your confidence as well. But that's another story, so remember:
Monday, January 26, 2009
New Bootcamp Timeslot
Tonight (Tuesday 27th) was to be our last Tuesday night Bootcamp session which I know has disappointed lots of you. (Tuesdays were introduced for the christmas holidays only) But I am going to be able to hold another one next week at my place due to a basketball reschedule, so please reply to this post if you can come. I will not be holding it if I dont get any responses.
The other thing is I am going to trial a Tuesday night 30 minute session for the remainder of February. It will be held behind the YMCA on the oval and will commence at 5.35pm sharp. It will be important to be there on time (hence the strange start time) as being a shorter session, we will be training a bit harder and everyone will need to warm up thoroughly. If you arrive late, you will need to warm up on your own and therefore miss some of the session.
As I said, I am going to trial this session on 10th, 17th and 24th of February and if attendance is good, I will continue to do this session at least until the end of this school term.
Please let me know if you can come next Tuesday and if you think you will be able to attend the trial Tuesdays behind the YMCA. You will be able to bring your kids to watch if you need to as 30 mins will go really fast.
The other thing is I am going to trial a Tuesday night 30 minute session for the remainder of February. It will be held behind the YMCA on the oval and will commence at 5.35pm sharp. It will be important to be there on time (hence the strange start time) as being a shorter session, we will be training a bit harder and everyone will need to warm up thoroughly. If you arrive late, you will need to warm up on your own and therefore miss some of the session.
As I said, I am going to trial this session on 10th, 17th and 24th of February and if attendance is good, I will continue to do this session at least until the end of this school term.
Please let me know if you can come next Tuesday and if you think you will be able to attend the trial Tuesdays behind the YMCA. You will be able to bring your kids to watch if you need to as 30 mins will go really fast.
new bootcamp
The Supermarket and shopping there
I have published this short article before, but thought it worth doing again for those who missed it. It is so true even though it was written in the USA. The Supermarket people really have us worked out. Apart from some non-food items, you really should be shopping mostly around the edges of the store. Exceptions for me are, canned corn and beetroot, nuts, seeds, tea, coffee. I also purchase olives and gherkins for variety on our salads.
Please read, and then take action. Information is only useful if you use it.
"Look On Aisle 5 was written by Virginia Bola, PsyD from DietWithAnAttitude.com
Have you ever stopped to calculate how much time you spend in each section of the supermarket?
Apart from the non-food areas of drug store supplies, rubber goods, and diapers, most stores have about 10 distinct food areas: produce, dairy, meat, ethnic foods and pasta, canned foods, prepared foods, drinks, frozen foods, snacks, and deli.
The areas where most of our intake should focus, if we are watching our weight and our health, are always on the edges, against the wall: produce, meat, dairy. We can easily navigate through 80 or 90 percent of the store without bumping into them.
Next week, I’ll get vegetables, we promise, as we wade into the packaged and frozen foods that fit so much more neatly into our time-starved, rat-race lives. It is so much less time and trouble to microwave a plate than slow simmer or steam something, plus there’s all that cutting and chopping time we just can’t spare.
The frozen stuff doesn’t taste as good but luckily the manufacturers figured that out and added butter sauce or cheese sauce to give it more flavor, a few nuts or other crispy additions to add some snap – nothing is plain any more.
We stock up on packages loaded with chemicals we can’t even pronounce. We pick up bags of quick snacks with nary a nutrient in the bunch. We throw fluffy breads and crackers into our cart, knowing they are merely edible plates.
Ten years ago, I lived in a Korean neighborhood. I couldn’t read half of the market’s signs and ingredients but shopped there anyway because of the atmosphere, dominated by an enormous variety of produce that took up at least half the store’s space. Trying totally new, strange-looking roots and fruits was exciting: sometimes marvelous, occasionally vile.
We have taken our markets into the age of the superstores where everything is available but nothing is natural. What are we doing to our poor bodies? We feed them junk and then spend a fortune on trying to acquire the "natural" look. Fat chance (pun intentional)!"
There is more info about this at www.fitterfasteronline.com
Please read, and then take action. Information is only useful if you use it.
"Look On Aisle 5 was written by Virginia Bola, PsyD from DietWithAnAttitude.com
Have you ever stopped to calculate how much time you spend in each section of the supermarket?
Apart from the non-food areas of drug store supplies, rubber goods, and diapers, most stores have about 10 distinct food areas: produce, dairy, meat, ethnic foods and pasta, canned foods, prepared foods, drinks, frozen foods, snacks, and deli.
The areas where most of our intake should focus, if we are watching our weight and our health, are always on the edges, against the wall: produce, meat, dairy. We can easily navigate through 80 or 90 percent of the store without bumping into them.
Next week, I’ll get vegetables, we promise, as we wade into the packaged and frozen foods that fit so much more neatly into our time-starved, rat-race lives. It is so much less time and trouble to microwave a plate than slow simmer or steam something, plus there’s all that cutting and chopping time we just can’t spare.
The frozen stuff doesn’t taste as good but luckily the manufacturers figured that out and added butter sauce or cheese sauce to give it more flavor, a few nuts or other crispy additions to add some snap – nothing is plain any more.
We stock up on packages loaded with chemicals we can’t even pronounce. We pick up bags of quick snacks with nary a nutrient in the bunch. We throw fluffy breads and crackers into our cart, knowing they are merely edible plates.
Ten years ago, I lived in a Korean neighborhood. I couldn’t read half of the market’s signs and ingredients but shopped there anyway because of the atmosphere, dominated by an enormous variety of produce that took up at least half the store’s space. Trying totally new, strange-looking roots and fruits was exciting: sometimes marvelous, occasionally vile.
We have taken our markets into the age of the superstores where everything is available but nothing is natural. What are we doing to our poor bodies? We feed them junk and then spend a fortune on trying to acquire the "natural" look. Fat chance (pun intentional)!"
There is more info about this at www.fitterfasteronline.com
supermarket shopping
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Announcing the FitterFaster Greatest Loser Competition.
Entries are open to existing clients and new ones. Your entry must be in by 9th February and you must be weighed and measured by 14th February. If you do not enter in time, or organise a weigh in with me before the 14th, your entry will not be counted.
The competition will end on 10th May with all weigh ins being completed between then and 16th May. There will also be weigh ins at approx the 4 and 8 week mark.
Further details will be sent to entrants before the competition starts.
New clients must sign up at www.fitterfasteronline.com The special package is unlimited number of Bootcamp session for the 12 weeks from 14th Feb to 10th May for $250AUD.
Existing clients just need to let me know by email if they would like to participate. Or they can purchase the FitterFaster Greatest Loser Bootcamp package if they wish.
All entrants will receive a diet plan and full online support as well as optional home workouts to speed up your results. And don't worry, there will be no eliminations in this competition. Of course you will also be attending FitterFaster Bootcamps and training really hard to lose fat, get fitter, increase your energy and basically just feel a whole lot better about yourself.
1st prize is $100 cash and a 12 session Bootcamp package
2nd prize is a 12 session Bootcamp package
There will also be mini bonus prizes along the way for those who show true dedication to their lifestyle and body transformation. Records of all training sessions will need to be kept by the entrants in the special record folder that will be supplied as part of your entry pack.
Please share this post with anyone who you think may be interested.
biggest loser competition
Monday, January 19, 2009
Effects of unhealthy diet

Hi everyone, it's great to be back after a lovely quick break. We have had 3 Bootcamps since my return and everyone has been putting in a fantastic effort especially considering the hot weather we have been having.
Brooke had her measurements taken yesterday and she has lost another 17.5cm in the past 4 weeks, so a huge 'well done' to her. Keep up the great work.
I wanted to write today about non-insulin dependant diabetes, which is a very common condition these days. Even more so than you think and unless you are eating healthy foods almost all the time, you are very likely to develop this condition yourself. It used to be called adult onset diabetes but now it is so common in young people, including children, that the name does not fit the disease anymore.
Insulin resistance is basically when the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin. Insulin is one of the most powerful and important hormones in the body and it's job is to get energy (in the form of glucose) from your blood into your cells and regulate blood sugar levels. Without it, you would die as your body would not be able to use the energy (glucose) that your diet supplies no matter what or how much you consume. People who cannot produce their own insulin have Insulin Dependent Diabetes and must use insulin injections instead to prevent hyperglycaemia, coma and eventually death.
A diet too high in carbohydrates and a lack of exercise are two of the leading causes of insulin resistance. When you eat carbohydrates, glucose is released into the bloodstream. This signals your body to produce insulin to take some of this energy to the cells for immmediate energy. It also converts some to glycogen which is sent to the liver and muscle tissue for short term storage. This energy can be used when blood sugar levels drop again. This short term storage is limited and so excess glucose is converted to body fat for long term storage.
This system works really well most of the time, but an excess of carbohydrates and certain kinds of carbohydrates are more quickly converted to glucose and cause a flood of glucose into your bloodstream. This causes an equally large surge of insulin which causes your blood sugar to drop very quickly and triggers fatigue and cravings for more carbohydrates. When this happens regularly, your insulin levels remain high and your body struggles to convert all the glucose properly. It then continues to produce insulin in an attempt to overcome this and eventually the receptors in the cell membranes become less and less effective in recognising the hormone insulin. Another side effect of the glucose that remains circulating in your bloodstream is that it begins to effect your heart, kidneys, nerves, eyes and blood vessels. I am sure that you have heard of amputations and blindness being caused by diabetes.
Eventually your pancreas is unable to supply enough insulin to maintain stable blood sugar levels and your blood sugar rises above normal levels. At this stage you may be diagnosed as having Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes. If you do not get this under control (because you don't change your dietary and exercise habits or you haven't been diagnosed and don't know you have it) your pancreas will eventually falter and be unable to keep up with this condition. This may lead to having to take insulin injections as you progress to having Insulin Dependent Diabetes. (The cause is different to people who experience Insulin Dependent Diabetes from childhood)
If detected early, this condition can be managed and full blown diabetes can be prevented. Don't wait till you have been diagnosed, do something about it now. Clean up your diet and exercise regularly.
Some preliminary symptoms include but are not limited to:
Anxiety, fatigue, sleeplessness, head aches, palpitations
Eating in response to emotions
Cravings for high carb foods
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Frequent hunger or thirst
Dizzy spells
Pins and needles
These are just some of the signs and you may have all or none of them. (these symptoms can also mean other things so check with your doctor if suffer from any of them)
Please note that I am not recommending that you do not eat carbohydrates. What I am recommending (after studying loads of research) is that you change your sources of carbohydrates to fruits, vegetables, some yoghurt and limit your intake of grain based carbohydrate foods like breads, pastas cakes, pastries, biscuits, sweets etc.
I am also researching at the moment on the latest info that says it is actually our overconsumption of carbohydrate foods of this type and not our saturated fat intake that is increasing the rate of heart attacks, stroke, high cholesterol etc. I will bring you more on that later.
The above is a simplified, but accurate, version of how your body works in regard to insulin production. If you are interested, I can recommend good books that provide more information on this.
Please also think about this stuff and how it relates not only to yourself, but to your loved ones as well. For instance, don't let your kids get to the stage where they worry about how they are going to lose the excess weight and get their health problems under control. Teach them now about healthy foods and encourage them to eat a variety of real foods rather than filling them up on junk. Just remove the junk from the house and take healthy foods with you when going out. It can be done and they will not starve when they refuse to eat it. Don't give in-this is their health and yours that we are dealing with.
Remember when party food was only eaten at parties?? Now it is a regular addition to peoples' diets several times every day.
Don't forget Bootcamp this evening at 5.30pm (Tuesday-bring plenty to drink!!
healthy eating
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Keep up the great work
As you all know, I am headed away for a few days. I want you all to keep up the great work while I am gone, and not use it as another excuse (like you would have in the past) not to work out and eat properly. You have all been doing such a great job, even turning up in the almost 40degree heat to train. That would also have been the perfect excuse in the past not to do a workout.
Results are happening for everyone. You all look so different. Please do not be discouraged if the scale or tape measure is not moving for you. You will have times when the results vary, but overall over time, you are all getting fitter, improving your health and losing bodyfat. Remember that when you first begin training, your body builds muscle as well, and when I say just beginning, this period can go for months if you are training hard. (which you are) Muscle weighs a lot more than fat and muscles also grow in size, so this can distort the figures and make it look like nothing is happening. Keep on going and your bodyfat will continue to drop resulting in those cm's and kg's moving again. Just be patient. Notice how your clothes are fitting instead. Did you know that I am on the cusp of being overweight according to my BMI or Height/Weight tables which are essentially the same thing.
While I am gone, continue to train as often as you can up to 6 days per week. I may not be able to answer emails, but you can contact me by text if you need to. Go to my website and do some of the workouts on there. I want a full report at Bootcamp on Sunday at 9.30am at the Hockey oval.
See you then
Results are happening for everyone. You all look so different. Please do not be discouraged if the scale or tape measure is not moving for you. You will have times when the results vary, but overall over time, you are all getting fitter, improving your health and losing bodyfat. Remember that when you first begin training, your body builds muscle as well, and when I say just beginning, this period can go for months if you are training hard. (which you are) Muscle weighs a lot more than fat and muscles also grow in size, so this can distort the figures and make it look like nothing is happening. Keep on going and your bodyfat will continue to drop resulting in those cm's and kg's moving again. Just be patient. Notice how your clothes are fitting instead. Did you know that I am on the cusp of being overweight according to my BMI or Height/Weight tables which are essentially the same thing.
While I am gone, continue to train as often as you can up to 6 days per week. I may not be able to answer emails, but you can contact me by text if you need to. Go to my website and do some of the workouts on there. I want a full report at Bootcamp on Sunday at 9.30am at the Hockey oval.
See you then
Friday, January 9, 2009
Free Nutrition Review

Hi guys
Anyone going to get me to have a look at your current nutrition? All current FitterFaster clients have the opportunity to record their food and drink intake for 2-3 days, email it through to me and I will take a look and give suggestions for improvement. Don't miss out on this.
I usually charge for a full nutrition plan, and although I will not be sending through a full menu plan, you will definately be able to use the information to clean up your every day dietary habits and in the process improve you health, reduce risk of many common diseases and conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, allergies (to name a few) and lose bodyfat if that is your goal.
I will give you ideas where you could make improvements and show you healthier alternatives to your current intake if needed. Eating a healthy diet is an every day, for the rest of your life thing. It is not deprivation or being hungry all the time. It is not something you do for a while and then go back to your old habits. If you do that, you will end up right back where you started-after all that is what got you there in the first place. There is room for treats and special occasion foods in everyones nutritional plan. But I think that is one of the major problems with most peoples diets. The occasional treat turns into just a bit of this for morning tea wont hurt. I'll just have this little treat with lunch because I had such a healthy lunch. Just a small serve for afternoon tea wont hurt and goodness knows what is served up for tea as we are bombarded with so many contradicting ideas of what is healthy and what is not.
And it doesn't matter if you have certain likes, dislikes, allergies or food preferences, there is still healthy eating for everyone's needs. In fact everyone needs it. Symptoms may not be showing yet, but an unhealthy diet is killing you.
Make sure that you include everything that you consume. All food, drinks, snacks, tastes, nibbles, supplements, anything that goes in your mouth. Also include times that you eat the foods and quantities if you can. At least guestimate quantities if you haven't measured stuff. Measurements like about 1 cup or 100g are good, saying a small serve is not helpful as small to you and me may be very different. Brand names are helpful too.
Come on, I will not be sharing this info with anyone. I've been there. It has taken me a long time to clean up my diet. I know how hard it is. I am living this every day. I have good and bad days and good and bad weeks, but I know what works and it isn't hard. I will also be able to use you examples as examples for everyone else in future newsletters etc. But don't worry I will not name anyone or anything like that.
I know a few of you are busy recording everything, so I will give you till the end of next week to get it through to me seeing as I am going to be away later next week anyway.
What have you got to lose? (parden the pun)
online nutrition plans
Thursday, January 1, 2009
You CANT out-train a Bad Diet!

Well it's a new year and time for a fresh start. Have you set up your calendar yet? (refer previous blogpost) This one idea will really help you to stay on track if you don't cheat and get started.
A big congrats goes to all the FitterFaster Bootcampers who have been putting in a fantastic effort over the past months. We have had several new Bootcampers start up in the last week or so as well which is great to see. Word is spreading. Results are coming. Everyone is getting fitter, stronger, leaner, they have better balance, more flexibility, more endurance and are feeling more energetic. They have begun to lose many cm's with the average loss so far being around 30cm in 8 weeks.
Another very important piece of the health and fat loss puzzle is your nutrition. You cannot out-train a bad diet. Too much sugar and alcohol cannot be overcome by exercising. Cruel I know, but best results will come to those who change the way they think about what they are consuming on a daily basis. Here are my basic tips for improving your nutrition. These are the first and vital steps you must take to get results. I will expand the list in future blogs, but get these things under control first.
1. Cut down on breads, pastas, pastries, cakes, biscuits, wraps, rice, cereals, museli or breakfast/health bars, etc. This includes multi grain and wholemeal varieties. These foods are processed!!! Since when did a loaf of bread grow on a tree? Try to limit these foods to one serve of wholemeal or multigrain per day. Once serve is a slice of bread or 1 cup of cooked pasta. Remember Grains are not my friends.
2. Eat protein everytime that you eat. This will stabilise the blood sugar/insulin response and also supply quality nutrients that you body needs for complete health. Protein is found in meats, fish, eggs, whey powder and also yoghurt. Nuts and seeds also contain small amounts of protein. Limit yoghurt to 1 serve a day of full cream (do not choose diet or low fat)
3. Eat fruits and/or vegetables at every meal or snack. Most of every meal and snack should be made up of fruits and vegetables. There is no limit to the amount of these that you can eat except limit yourself to 1 small potato each day. Remember rule 2 and combine with protein.
4. Drink only water or tea or coffee. This includes cutting down on alcohol. There are a million reasons to stop drinking every or nearly every day. Even one drink begins a cascade of bad reactions in your body. Many of which also slow or reverse your fat loss efforts as well as effecting your health. Limit yourself to 2 days per week where you consume alcohol. By the way, cut out soft drinks, cordials and fruit juices as well. And skip those lattes and flat whites from the cafe. They are both almost all milk-refer no. 5
5. Cut out milk and if you can cheese too. Limit milk to a tiny amount in coffee or tea. It is for baby cows, not humans. We are the only animal that drinks milk beyond infancy and look at our state of health compared to other species. They may be onto something.
6. Eat every 2-3 hours. Yes don't go more than 3 hours without eating.
7. Include small serves of nuts and seeds in your diet every day.
8. Stop having take away. Cooking a meal from scratch really doesn't take long.
9. If it came in a packet, or has a list of ingredients, stop eating it!!
10. Once per week, eat something you love and disregard all the rules.
11. Exercise every day. You can find plenty of info about this in past blog posts and at www.fitterfasteronline.com
Sticking to these rules will get you well on the way to a healthy and lean body. Every rule is important and although sticking to one or two of them will help, you will never reach your full potential without improving your whole diet.
Until you follow these rules every day, you do not need to worry about serving sizes or quantities of carbs or protein etc. Stick to eating real, non-processed foods and it will make a huge difference. Stop worrying about calories and carbs and get healthy food into you. Don't worry about the latest supplement of weight loss pill or drink. These basic rules will increase your fat loss much more than any of these ever will despite the advertising promises
FitterFaster clients have the opportunity to have their diets analysed and critiqued by me before January 10th. Simply record everything you eat, drink or inhale for 2-3 days and send it through to me either by commenting below or by emailing me at joanne@fitterfasteronline.com
I will have a close look at it and provide ideas, changes and advice for you completely free of charge and with no obligations attached. I really want you all to be able to achieve all of your goals so I want to give you all the help I can.
Make sure that you do not change anything that you normally do for the next 2 days while you record your intake. It is important to get real life examples so that we can work out ways around what you really do. If you try to make it look good, you will not learn ways to improve your daily habits properly so be honest and record everything including the times that you eat it. Best results will be recorded if you carry a pen and paper with you and write it down as you consume it rather that trying to remember it all later in the day.
Take advantage of this whether you are a new client or have been coming for a while. Clients who have purchased nutrition plans in the past should also do this to get you back on track and make sure you are still headed in the right direction. And don't just think that this is for weight loss only. Health improvements are not possible without a healthy diet.
And don't forget that the 30 session package will come off the website on Monday evening. This is your last chance to purchase this package. Results are guaranteed too, so if you don't lose cm's you get your money back
healthy eating
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