Saturday, August 23, 2008

The worst thing you can say when trying to improve

I just read a quick article and it made me think what is the worst thing you can do about improving your fitness or losing weight. The worst thing you can do is to say you will do it tomorrow or on Monday or in the morning or whenever.

Do it now. Make one small change right now, even if you dont have the equipment, food, time or whatever excuse you can think of. One small change right now will get you started, and that is the biggest hurdle. Choose something healthier for tea (or breakfast) or whatever. Dont have that biscuit or bowl of ice cream. Get up and go for a walk (although there are heaps more effective ways to get fit and lose weight). Get up and do some squats, lunges, push ups or star jumps. Just do something. Start right now!

I have heaps of ideas on what you can start with and what are the most effective workout techniques. You dont need to spend any money, you dont need heaps of time, you dont need expensive exercise equipment. What you need is a kick up the butt to do it now. Dont be lazy-start right now.

I have written the 10 most likely reasons that you cant lose weight in a quick report. No it is not your genes or your kids or the take away shop or your lack of time (Gee I'm glad that I dont have only 24 hours in each day like you-I would never be able to fit it all in!!) The report is absolutely free and doesnt include any links to expensive products and I wont send you endless emails trying to sell you something. Check it out at

till next time-try it do something right now


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