Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Losing Bodyfat over Christmas

Sound impossible. Not if you follow a few guidelines.

Make sure you are subscribed to the Fitterfasteronline newsletter.

In a few days I am sending out the next issue which will have some practical real-life tips to surviving the silly season. Tips like "eat before you go out" don't really help in the real world. We aren't eating all that party fare because we are hungry, we are eating it because it is there. So that will just mean that we eat and then eat again when we get there. Definately not helping!!!

I have some tips that will really make a difference, but don't expect yourself to be perfect. This is a time for celebrating, but in a sensible manner.

So in the meantime, keep up with your training (that is my first tip by the way) It really helps to keep in your routine. Burning calories while maintaining muscle will be one of the most important tools you have to stop the fat piling on over the next month or two.

Jo Butler

PS I am sending a bonus out to all current clients in the mail in the next couple of weeks, so if you are thinking about starting your fitness plan make sure you do it in the next week so you don't miss out. Fitness Coaching details

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