Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New cardio workouts for fat loss and fast fitness improvements

I have just added some new cardio workouts to my website. All of these cardio workouts take 30 minutes or less including a warm up and cooldown and use cheap equipment such as skipping ropes. They wont be easy though. If they are, you are not trying hard enough. Remember it takes effort to look fit. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Be different. Show yourself you can do it.

There is no cost to get these workouts, so have a look. More cardio workouts

till next time, be strong, speaking of which, I will talk about the many many many benefits of including some sort of strength training in your program next time we catch up


Monday, August 25, 2008

the diet solution

I found this great product the other day and agree with the principles included. Basically it recommends eating natural foods and choosing health as a means to a fit lean body when it comes to nutrition. Check it out here The Diet Solution

for free nutritional advice you can check out my website at

And remember that the best thing to do to improve your body is just something. Get up right now and do a 20 minute fat blasting cardio session. Decide not to eat that biscuit or piece of cake. Right now, do something that will get you closer to your goal.

It doesnt matter if you have kids home sick or you have the baby there. Do it anyway. You will be surprised how they love to watch, and my kids join in all the time. You just need a small space and your bodyweight. Do an interval session of lunges and squats. Jump rope or do step ups for 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off. Get huffing and puffing, that is a sure sign it is working. And yes, you can train like this every day. YOU WILL NOT OVERTRAIN unless you are doing several sessions every day and not eating and sleeping properly.



exercise equipment for fat loss

I am often asked how much you need to spend to set up a good home gym. The quick answer is not much. Dont be fooled into thinking you need a fantastic treadmill or pin loaded weight machine. Unless you love running, or are training for an event where you need to run, a treadmill is unnecessary.

I once owned a great big pin loaded weight machine too. I hardly ever used it and ended up selling it for about $150 on Ebay. It was just a huge waste of space. Now I use adjustable dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls and most of all, my own bodyweight. There are such a huge number of things you can do with next to no equipment to absolutely burn the body fat quickly and leaner and stronger.

One thing I love to do is pick an exercise, such as a kettlebell snatch or swing or a dumbbell clean and press and do it for high repetitions. I might start with a set of 20 reps, then 19, then 18 etc etc. When I get down to 1 rep, I may go back up again, but usually, the first 20 sets are more than enough. And it doesnt take very long either. Take minimal or no rests if possible. You will be hard pressed to find a faster fat burner.

Choose a multijoint exercise for best effect. Bicep curls or crunches will not be effective for this type of workout. The choices are endless: Front squat, lunges, clean and press, swings, push press etc etc. And no huge equipment required. You will also elevate your metabolism for hours after a workout like this.

Visit my website for heaps more free workouts like this one

till next time


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cardio for fitness and fat loss

Hi again guys

Do you still think that you have to do slow fat burning cardio to lose fat? It's been proven time and time again you know that it is far more efficient to do high intensity cardio and also heaps more effective.

Improvements in fitness come rapidly with these types of workouts and they are the quickest way to lose stubborn body fat. Here is an example:

Warm up with easy pedalling of stationary cycle, walking and jogging or easy exercises such as jogging on the spot, star jumps etc for 5 minutes to get the heart rate raised.

Now begin the main workout, you can use a bike, treadmill or cross trainer, or alternatively you can use a step and do step ups, a skipping rope (one of my favourites) running, star jumps or anything else that gets you huffing and puffing.

For 30 seconds go as hard as you can-THIS IS KEY-GO HARD
Take 30 seconds easy-dont stop, just walk on the spot, pedal slowly etc

Repeat the above 1 minute block for anywhere from 10-20 minutes

Cooldown with easy paced activity for 3-5 mins.

There you have it 20-30 minutes and you are done. You have burnt heaps of calories, and the higher burn rate will continue long after you have finished (unlike slow easy cardio.) 20 minutes of high efficiency fat burning. Do this 3-6 times per week and you will be noticing a huge difference very quickly.

For more of these types of cardio fat burning workouts check out

that's all for now


The worst thing you can say when trying to improve

I just read a quick article and it made me think what is the worst thing you can do about improving your fitness or losing weight. The worst thing you can do is to say you will do it tomorrow or on Monday or in the morning or whenever.

Do it now. Make one small change right now, even if you dont have the equipment, food, time or whatever excuse you can think of. One small change right now will get you started, and that is the biggest hurdle. Choose something healthier for tea (or breakfast) or whatever. Dont have that biscuit or bowl of ice cream. Get up and go for a walk (although there are heaps more effective ways to get fit and lose weight). Get up and do some squats, lunges, push ups or star jumps. Just do something. Start right now!

I have heaps of ideas on what you can start with and what are the most effective workout techniques. You dont need to spend any money, you dont need heaps of time, you dont need expensive exercise equipment. What you need is a kick up the butt to do it now. Dont be lazy-start right now.

I have written the 10 most likely reasons that you cant lose weight in a quick report. No it is not your genes or your kids or the take away shop or your lack of time (Gee I'm glad that I dont have only 24 hours in each day like you-I would never be able to fit it all in!!) The report is absolutely free and doesnt include any links to expensive products and I wont send you endless emails trying to sell you something. Check it out at

till next time-try it do something right now


Friday, August 22, 2008

Welcome to FitterFaster

Hi everyone

As you can tell I am new to this whole blogging thing, but here goes. Pretty much I want to talk about getting fitter and losing weight. I want to talk about how everyone can do this with commitment. There are no 'secrets' or tricks to losing weight. It actually does take hard work and is sometimes not easy, but everyone can do it.
About 6 years ago, I was a slightly overweight extremely unfit mother of 4 children aged 2 to 4 years. I decided to join the gym and also to take up triathlons as I had a few friends who did them. I dont know what got over me actually, as I couldnt swim and didnt even own a bike.

Well the rest is history, I have since spent that time experimenting with all manner of strength training and cardio routines and have found what really works best. I have trained and become a personal trainer and have had fantastic results getting people fit and helping them to lose weight. I have studied extensively all manner of diets, workouts etc etc and weeded out the ones that dont work and the ones that do and you would be surprised. Dont get me wrong, it's not always easy and you do really have to eat healthy foods. Just thinking about it does not work and there is no quick fix solution.

What really works is having a plan and sticking to it. You dont need to join a gym or have heaps of expensive exercise equipment. Working out when you dont feel like it and getting rid of all the excuses is what you do need. I have started a website called FitterFasterOnline where I share tonnes of ideas, workouts, eating tips etc so that anyone can get fit and healthy. It is also a work in progress, but I plan to share all of my successful ideas and research so that you too can get fit like me. You can follow along step by step and email me any time if you have any questions or concerns.

At the moment I am training to compete in my 5th half ironman where I have to swim 1900m, cycle 90km and run 21km without stopping. Oh and I have had another baby since then too, so I have a 2 year old as well. So much for the kids excuse hey! but dont panic, I am not going to tell you that you have to do that to get fit or stay in shape. It is easier than that!! You do still have to work at it though and you must make permanent changes.

So till next time, check out FitterFasterOnline. Till next time.

Oh and dont believe everything you read, stick with me and find out what really works in the real world.