Thursday, September 11, 2008

subscribe to fitterfasteronline newsletter

I have just started up a newsletter from my website called fitterfasteronline ezine. In the newsletter I will be giving you a new workout each week. This workout can be used in place of any of the strength workout circuits at These workouts will burn incredible amounts of fat during the training session and also for hours afterwards. They will also increase your strength and fitness better than any long 'fat burning' cardio session ever will. So if you want to get super fit and lose weight while getting the body you always dreamed of subscribe today.




Don't worry -- your e-mail address is totally secure.

I promise to use it only to send you fitterfastertonlinetips.

The newsletter will also include healthy recipes and every couple of weeks I will send a new cardio workout for you to try as well. Don't forget that you do not need any expensive equipment to do any of my workouts and they all take around 30 minutes or less to complete

Happy training


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