Monday, August 25, 2008

the diet solution

I found this great product the other day and agree with the principles included. Basically it recommends eating natural foods and choosing health as a means to a fit lean body when it comes to nutrition. Check it out here The Diet Solution

for free nutritional advice you can check out my website at

And remember that the best thing to do to improve your body is just something. Get up right now and do a 20 minute fat blasting cardio session. Decide not to eat that biscuit or piece of cake. Right now, do something that will get you closer to your goal.

It doesnt matter if you have kids home sick or you have the baby there. Do it anyway. You will be surprised how they love to watch, and my kids join in all the time. You just need a small space and your bodyweight. Do an interval session of lunges and squats. Jump rope or do step ups for 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off. Get huffing and puffing, that is a sure sign it is working. And yes, you can train like this every day. YOU WILL NOT OVERTRAIN unless you are doing several sessions every day and not eating and sleeping properly.



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