Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cardio for fitness and fat loss

Hi again guys

Do you still think that you have to do slow fat burning cardio to lose fat? It's been proven time and time again you know that it is far more efficient to do high intensity cardio and also heaps more effective.

Improvements in fitness come rapidly with these types of workouts and they are the quickest way to lose stubborn body fat. Here is an example:

Warm up with easy pedalling of stationary cycle, walking and jogging or easy exercises such as jogging on the spot, star jumps etc for 5 minutes to get the heart rate raised.

Now begin the main workout, you can use a bike, treadmill or cross trainer, or alternatively you can use a step and do step ups, a skipping rope (one of my favourites) running, star jumps or anything else that gets you huffing and puffing.

For 30 seconds go as hard as you can-THIS IS KEY-GO HARD
Take 30 seconds easy-dont stop, just walk on the spot, pedal slowly etc

Repeat the above 1 minute block for anywhere from 10-20 minutes

Cooldown with easy paced activity for 3-5 mins.

There you have it 20-30 minutes and you are done. You have burnt heaps of calories, and the higher burn rate will continue long after you have finished (unlike slow easy cardio.) 20 minutes of high efficiency fat burning. Do this 3-6 times per week and you will be noticing a huge difference very quickly.

For more of these types of cardio fat burning workouts check out

that's all for now


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